
Showing posts from December, 2015

Sheikh Ibrahim Niyass رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

| Who is Rasūluʾllah? (The Mawlid Address) Bismiʾllahi ʾr-Raḥmāni ʾr-Raḥīm wa ʾṣ-ṣalātu wa salām ʿalā Rasūlihi ʾl-Karīm: We give thanks to Allah and we greet all Muslims wherever they may be, and we also greet all creatures because Allah ﷻ created Sayyidinā Rasūluʾllah ﷺ to be a mercy to all of creation. “And we have not sent you except as a Mercy to the entirety of creation.” | Qurʾān 21:107 In fact, the Universe is composed of all that exists except Allah ﷻ Himself. This ayah is part of the evidence showing that Sayyidinā Rasūluʾllah ﷺ is not only the Best of creation, but also the first because one cannot show mercy to something that is not within its time nor realm. In other words, Sayyidinā Rasūluʾllah ﷺ even “preceded his predecessors” as he was a mercy for them, as well. Thus, to gather to celebrate the Mawlid al-Nabīʾ amounts to gathering to remember Sayyidinā Rasūluʾllah ﷺ and to rejoice in the Divine Mercy of Allah ﷻ. Allah ﷻ says: “Say, ‘In the Bounty of Alla

صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ

أهلا بشهر المولد ،،، شهر العلا والسؤدد شهر النبي أحمد ،،، شهر ربيع الأول قد خص بالربيع ،،، إذ كان كالربيع للأرض والشفيع ،،، بكل خطب معضل أهلا بشهر الفرح ،،، شهر ذهاب الترح وفخرنا والمرح ،،، شهر النبي الأفضل شهر الفلاح والسرور ،،، شهر به ساد الدهور موشح بين الشهور ،،، متوج مكلل أهلا بشهر الفاتح ،،، إغلاق كون الفاتح من خص بالفواتح ،،، وحاز ختم الملل أهلا بشهر الحاتم ،،، شهر نبي قاسم وفاتح وخاتم ،،، وآخر وأول أهلا بشهر الناصر ،،،وللحق شهر الآمر بالعرف شهر الظاهر ،،، بكل وصف أكمل أهلا بشهر الهادي ،،، لمنهج الرشاد وقائد وحاد ،،، إلى الطريق الأمثل أهلا بشهر السيد ،،، لأحمر وأسود من حاز سبق السؤدد ،،، يوم اعتذار الرسل وقد كفاها كلها ،،، أعباءها وكلها بقوله أنا لها ،،، عند اشتداد الوجل فيا لها من خطه ،،، جوابه في الحَطَّه من ربه سل تعطه ،،، واشفع لدينا تقبل أهلا بشهر المصطفى ،،، صفوة كل مصطفى وخير عبدٍ قد صفا ،،، من ملك ومرسل وشهر خير الخلق ،،، شهر جميل الخلق شهر عظيم الخُلق ،،، في المحكم المنزل

Calculate The Hours Of Your Life

Mathematics of life ➕ ➖➗ Maths your life >Assumption: 1; U lived for 60 years, and each day of your life, U slept 8hrs in the 60years, U Will have spent exactly 20 years just sleeping. 2; U worked for 8hrs a day, U will have spent 20years just working. 3; Usually Childhood takes 15years. 4; Sat on the dining table twice a day for thirty minutes, U will have spent 3years just eating. Now...Addition of sleep(20yrs) +work(20yrs)+childhood (15yrs)+meals(3yrs) =58years. Subtracting from the total number of yrs (60yrs), you have ONLY 2years remaining. What Will be your answer on the day of judgment when you're asked about your time on earth? Here's a simple solution to the problem above. The holy Quran(Saudi Arabia type) has got 604 pages, right? If you try to divide the 600 pages in 30days of the month, they're nothing. Don't worry about the calculations, I got them done for you 600/30=20; simple. Now that means you are to cover 20 pages/day. There are 5 prayers a d

رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

KNOWLEDGE is better than WEALTH Mowlana Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse radiya Llahu ta'ala anuhu, said in the translation of the holy Quran; "Saidina Ali used to say "knowledge is better than wealth as; 1) Wealth is the inheritance of the Pharaohs, while knowledge is the inheritance of the prophets. 2) Wealth decreases through spending it, while knowledge increase in spending (spreading) it. 3) Wealth is acquired by the disbeliever and the believer, while knowledge is acquired by the believer only. 4) Wealth needs someone to protect it and guard it, while knowledge guards it's bearer and dose not need to be guarded. 5) When a person dies, his wealth stays behind while his knowledge enters the grave with him and dose not leave him. 6) Wealth makes one heavy on sirat (bridge over he'll fire), while knowledge strengthen one while crossing the sirat. 7) Knowledge is the need of everyone for their religion, while people do not need a wealthy person." May