
Showing posts from 2021

Birth Of Sheikh Abdulqodir Jelani QS

11th Rabi al-Thani - Urs Shareef; 'Ghawth al-A'zam' Shaykh Sayyiduna Muhiyyud'deen Abu Muhammad Abd'al-Qadir al-Jilani(radi Allahu Anhu), Baghdad; HIS POSITION IN THE SILSILA: Maqbool-e-Bargahe Ilaahi, Gohar Darya-e-Wilaayat, Qutbul Aqtaab, Fardul Ahbaab, Hazrat Abu Muhammad, Sayyid Muhiyyudeen, Mahboob-e-Subhani Sheikh Abdul Qaadir Jilani (radi Allaho anhu) is the seventeenth Imam and Sheikh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qaaderiyah Barakaatiyah Razviyah Nooriyah. BLESSED BIRTH: He was born on the eve of the 1st of Ramadaan 470 Hijri in the city of Gilan. HIS BLESSED NAME: His blessed name was Sayyid Abdul Qaadir. TITLES: His title was Abu Muhammad and he is famously known as Muhiyyuddeen, Ghaus-e-Azam, Ghaus-e-Paak and Ghaus Piya (radi Allaho anhu) etc. He is tarafain Sayyid (descendant of Imam Hassan and Hussain) HIS PARENTS : He was a descendant of the Holy Prophet Muhammad from both his mother's and father's side. His father's name was Sayyid Abu Saleh Moos

Piousness In Solat {Prayer}

Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim  Hazrat Shaykh Bahaddin al-Naqshiband Q.S (Alyaa Rehma) was once asked: “– How does a servant achieve pious reverence in prayer?” He (Alyaa Rehma) answered: “- There are four prerequisites for that: 1. Legitimate earning, 2. Remaining vigilant during ablution for prayer, 3. Feeling the presence of Allah as one begins prayer by saying “Allah is Great!” 4. Feeling the presence of Allah all the time; remaining in peace and tranquility, and obeying Allah after prayer.” Pious reverence in prayer is so important that the servant is treated by Allah accordingly. The Prophet (Peace & Blessing Upon Him) says: “When a person completes his prayer, one tenth of its reward is given to him; or he is given one ninth; or one eighth; or one seventh; or one sixth; or one fifth, or one fourth, or one third, or half…”(Abu Dawud, Salat, 124). “Many people cannot get one sixth, or even one tenth, of the reward for his prayer. He only gets the part he does in piou

Sheikh Ali Al-Khawas RTA

Audhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La Hawla Wala Quwwata illah Billahil Aliyyil Azim O ALLAH, SOFTEN AND OPEN MY HEART AS I READ THE STORIES OF YOUR SAINTS AND SHOWER UPON ME BLESSINGS AND UNDERSTANDING SO THAT I MAY BENEFIT FROM EMULATING YOUR BELOVED… SHEIKH ALI AL-KHAWWAS (RA) A Saint of Allah who possessed laduni knowledge Sheikh Ali Al-Kkhawwas RA was one of the most famous waliyullah in Cairo, Egypt. He was an illiterate. Born to be ascetic (zuhud) Sheikh Ali Al-Kkhawwas RA grew up in a poor family which meant that he had to strive and work hard in order to eat every day. At first he went around selling soaps and dates. After moving to Cairo, he opened an oil shop for several years. He then went on to basket-making. For this reason, he was known as Al-Khawwas (the basket maker) until the day he passed away. خوص (rattan), خواص الخواص (all Wali Allah),الخواص (the chosen one/Wali Allah) Not once did he ever eat the food of tyrannical governm

khutubah Sheikh Ibrahim RTA

KHUTBAH OF SHAYKH AL-ISLAM IBRAHIM NIASSE رضي الله عنه FROM“JAWAHIR AR-RASA‟IL”(SPEECH TO MAURITANIA ON THE CELEBRATION OF ITS INDEPENDENCE (November 28, 1960)” Via: Anatomy of sufism TV 📺  ________________ In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful All praise and thanks belongs to Allah, The Lord of the worlds.  May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the most Nobleof the Messengers (SAWS). To my beloved brethren and to His Excellence (President Moktar wuld Daddah?),  As-SalaamuAlaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh! I wish to express my extreme gratitude to the people/nation of Mauritania and its leaders and government for my hospitable reception all for the love of the Essence of Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He!,and His Deen.  There is no doubt that this is a country of Muslims, as is witnessed from its leaders, government and people! So again we are thankful for the honorable welcome which has been shown to us by the President, members of thegover