
Showing posts from November, 2015

How To Treat A Muslima

How to deal with a woman if you are a man enough; When she hits you or pushes you … (hold her hands) When she gets angry ( just hug her ) When she is silent (ask her what the problem is ) When she Ignores you (Give her attention) When she asks you about something (don’t neglect her) When she wants to get away from you ( do not agree with her opinion) When you see her in the worst state (Tell her she is beautiful) when you see her Cry( kiss her head and tell her you love her a lot) When you feel her scared (protect her ) When you see her jealous (that means she loves you more than you imagine ) When she say to you i love you that means she have feelings for u more than you think) When she look into your eyes don’t turn your eyes until she turns her first. They are a garment for you and you are a garment to them … Qur’an [2 : 187] By getting married you are not just getting a wife, you are getting your whole world. From now until the rest of your days your wife will be your partner, you

Islam is Religion of Peace

In the History of the World, Who has Killed Maximum Innocent Human Beings? Let bible speak in luke 19:27, 22:35--38, matthew 10:34--40, deutronomy 3:3--7, joshua 10:10--15, exodus 32:27, but we muslims can defend ourself from christians hand in quran 3:123--127 & 200, 2:190--194, ----------------------------------------- 1) "Hitler" Do you know who he was? He was a Christian, but Media will never Call Christians "TERRORIST" 2) "Joseph Stalin called as Uncle Joe". He has Killed 20 Million Human Beings Including 14.5 Million were Starved to Death. Was He a "MUSLIM"? 3) "Mao Tse Tsung (China)" He has Killed 14 to 20 Million Human Beings. Was he a "MUSLIM"? 4) "Benito Mussolini (Italy)" He has Killed 400 thousand Human Beings. Was he a "MUSLIM"? 5) "Ashoka" In Kalinga Battle, He has Killed 100 Thousand Human Beings. Was he a MUSLIM"? 6) Embargo put by George Bush in Iraq, 1/2 Mi

10 Basic Principles of Sufism

The Ten Basic Principles of Sufism by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse From The Removal of Confusion: Concerning the Flood the Saintly Seal Ahmad al-Tijani – A Translation of Kashif al-Ilbas ‘an Fayda al-Khatm Abi al-‘Abbas By Shaykh al-Islam al-Hajj Ibrahim b. ‘Abd-Allah Niasse (d. 1975) Translation by Zachary Wright, Muhtar Holland and Abdullahi El-Okene Section 1 – Chapter 1 – Concerning the Reality of Sufism With Allah is the success for whatever I say, and He is the Guide to the straight path. Sufism (tasawwuf) is a science possessing a definition (hadd), a subject matter (mawdu’), a founder (wadi’), a name (ism), a derivation (istimdad), a legal status (hukm), particular issues (masa’il), an excellence (fadila), an attribution (nisba) and a fruit (thamara). Sawi said: “It is incumbent on every person who would pass a judgment on a discipline (fann) to first know (these) ten basic principles.” One of the scholars put this in verse: The definition and the subject matter, then the founder And

Sh. Ibrahim Niyass رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

Assalamu Alaikum to you all. Our this week's Baye book translation project continues from the previous week, which started from a new book(out of his 86 books) entitled: "مجلس في المواعظ الحسنة", "A Great Gathering of Lectures ", which Shehu Barhama Kaolack had delivered in Katsina, northern Nigeria in the sixties. These three and half pages will take a reader through analysis of the three pillars of Islam, prayer, fasting and zakat or poor tax. Readers will be excited with two amazing stories he narrated about the positive impact of prayer and charity. "....After that is is ((Prayer)). So a servant[of Allah] performs daily prayers, it is the greatest act with which Allah Almighty is worshipped. The proof for that is that all mandatory[compulsory] acts that Allah made mandatory on this earth and with the prayer, when He wanted to be worshipped, He took his servant[Prophet s.a.w] upon a nocturnal journey[ ascension or Isra’e wal mi’eraj] and he made i

Seyid Ujud Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ

This is a selection from the Rimah al Hizb al Raheem ala Nuhur al Hizb al Rajeem (the Spears of the League of the Merciful thrown at the necks of the league of the accursed) by the known Mujahid, the Scholar, the Amir, the Shaykh Sidi al Hajj Umar Futi Tall. Success is achieved with the help of Allah (Exalted is He) for He is the Guide by His grace to the straight path! Presenting the reward (for our good deeds) to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). You should know that there are two questions relating to this subject. Question 1. Does the Prophet benefit by what we present to him (Allah bless him and give him peace) and other good deeds and sayings or does he not benefit by any of that, and does that benefit revert to us? Question 2. Is presenting the reward to him permissible in the Sacred Law (Sharia), or is it not? Answer 1. As for the first question, the answer is that the Prophet alaihi salat wa salaam does not benefit by any of that, and the benefit only reverts

Path Of Saints'

On the birth of owner of the flood: the day of divine openings. subtle blessings. lights. gnosis. the bornday of sa'adatul anām. sahib al-fayda. barhama kamal. ibrahīm niasse. that being that brought us to the threshold. at the gate of the holy of holies. may my mother be sacrificed for you! you sun of abdullah and aisha. pride of mankind. you who manifested at the later cycle of time. the water carrier. giver of life to hearts and souls. if only they knew you. they would've fallen at you blessed feet. blessed physique. you vicegerent of the seal. the completion of the muhammadan outpourings. you lover of the primordial man. servant at the gate of the highest manifestation. salla Allah 'alayhi wa ala Alihi wa sallam. we drank at your hand. look how drunk we have become. even after the passage of time. we have only increased in intoxication. you cup bearer. today our cups runneth over. in gratitude for this wine house. niasse! the divine presence has honored yo

Why Pork Meat Is Forbidden In Islam Part Two

Be sure that you will not put the crude pork together with the ingredients that are eaten raw. Make sure you wash hands immediately after touching crude pork. While buying the pork meat make sure that it is free from chemicals, medications, anti-toxins as well as ractopamine.

Why Pork Meat Is Forbidden In Islam Part One

You might enjoy eating meat in your meal. But here is a thing you need to remember. Just say no to ‘pork meat’, you will get some valid reasons to do so. It is not surprising that in some religions the consumption of port meat is prohibited. It is not actually a religious thing, but it is directly related to your health. As we know pigs feed themselves on almost everything which includes spoiled food, urine, and feces. Now, the toxin which gets accumulated in pig’s body due to consumption of poisonous things remains in the fat cells and organs of the animal. Apart from this, Yersinia enterocolitica which is a dangerous microorganism is readily present in pig’s body. If this micro-organism enters human body then it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, fever and another sickness. Recently some scientists found a deadly contaminant which is termed as  Ractopamine  in pig’s body. It is provided by the research that one can die if consume this contaminant. Taenia solium present

Relationship Between Shia And Torika Tijaniya

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SHIA AND TARIQAH TIJANIYYAH By: Sidi Aliyyu Uthman Bashir Niasse We are related to them in the love of Ahlul bait (household of the prophet). It was narrated in jawahirul Ma'aniy thus: Sheikh tijani loves Ahlul bait, he protects their matter, he gives them hadiyyah (gift), he exhibits tawadi'u (humility) towards them, he respects them alot, he gives them good advice, he guides them to the attitudes of prophet, and he used to say that they are the ones that deserve to inherit the position of rasulillah (saw). And he sees that to be weak in their love is a sign of weakness of iman/faith, he didn't love those who did not love them, and he expressed disapproval towards those that disrespects them. Radiallahu Anhu wa Anhum wa matta'ana bi ridaahu, Ameen. Sheikh Ahmad sukayraj said :- Wa qad kaana yusiy Ashabahu wa Ahbabah Ala ta'azim Ahlul bayt was sidqi fi muhabbatihim bissiri wal Alaniyyah bi ikhlasin niyyah" And second