Seyid Ujud Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ

This is a selection from the Rimah al Hizb al Raheem ala Nuhur al Hizb al Rajeem (the Spears of the League of the Merciful thrown at the necks of the league of the accursed) by the known Mujahid, the Scholar, the Amir, the Shaykh Sidi al Hajj Umar Futi Tall.
Success is achieved with the help of Allah (Exalted is He) for He is the Guide by His grace to the straight path!
Presenting the reward (for our good deeds) to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). You should know that there are two questions relating to this subject.
Question 1. Does the Prophet benefit by what we present to him (Allah bless him and give him peace) and other good deeds and sayings or does he not benefit by any of that, and does that benefit revert to us?
Question 2. Is presenting the reward to him permissible in the Sacred Law (Sharia), or is it not?
Answer 1. As for the first question, the answer is that the Prophet alaihi salat wa salaam does not benefit by any of that, and the benefit only reverts to us. Allah is the Enabling Grace by His grace to the straight path!
Answer 2. As for the second, the answer is that it is permissible (to present the rewards for our works to him as a gift) and that it contains much good and tremendous merit for the person who does it. The proof of its permissibility and of the fact that the benefit only reverts to us, has been reported and authenticated by Imam Ahmad Hanbal, Imam Tirmidhi, and al Hakim.
According to Imam Tirmidhi: "It is a good and authentic report, transmitted on the authority of Ka'ab ibn Ujra who said: "I said: ' Oh Messenger of Allah, I frequently invoke blessing upon you, so how much of (the reward) for my invocation of blessing should I assign to you?" He (may Allah bless him and give him peace) replied "Whatever you wish" I said: "One quarter?" He said to me "Whatever you wish, and if you add more, it is better for you!" I said: "One half?" He said to me "Whatever you wish, and if you add more it is better for you!" I said: "Should I assign all of (the reward for) my invocation of blessing to you?" He said: "In that case, you will be relieved of your trouble and your sin will be forgiven!" (In one version of this report, the wording is: "In that case, Allah will relieve you of your trouble in this world and the Hereafter!"
According to Imam ash Sha'rani in al Uhud al Muhammadiya: "Concerning his saying "So how much of the reward for my invocation of blessing should I assign to you?' al Hafiz Mundhiri said "Shaykh Abu Mawahib said" "I saw the Prophet(Allah bless him and give him peace) so I said to him: "O Messenger of Allah, what is the meaning of the saying of Ka'b ibn Ujra: "So how much of the reward for my invocation of blessing should I assign to you?" He alaihi salat wa salam 'It means that you should invoke blessings upon me and present the reward for that to me, not to yourself!" Then he said: "I would like to tell you about some of the benefits of invoking blessing upon Allah's Messenger, as an encouragement for you. Perhaps Allah will endow you with genuine love for him, so your preoccupation in most of your moments will be the invocation of blessing upon Allah's Messenger (salat ala nabi) and you will come to credit every good deed you perform to the record of Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace), as indicated by Ka'b ibn Ujra when he said "Should I assign all of my invocation of blessing to you"-- for the Prophet told him: 'In that case Allah will relieve you of your trouble in this world and the Hereafter!"
You should know that our Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah be well pleased with him) was asked about the matter of presenting the reward of good works to the Prophet alaihi salat wa Salaam, so he responded as we read in the Jawahir al Ma'ani, by saying:
"You should know that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) has no need of creatures, in general and in particular, collectively and individually, nor of their presenting the reward for their deedsto him. His needs are met by His Lord, first and foremost and by what He has bestowed upon him from the abundance of His gracious favor and the perfection of His mighty power. In the presence of His Lord, he is at an ultimate degree to which no one but he can possibly attain, so he does not seek any extra 'benefit' from anyone else. That is confirmed by Allah's saying
Your Lord will surely give to you, so you will be fully satisfied (Quran 93:5)
wa la sawfa yu' tika Rabba ka fa tarda
"How can this giving be appraised, and how can the minds comprehend its vast abundance? Allah also said (Exalted is He)
Allah's gracious favor to you has been tremendous (Quran 4:113)
wa kana fadlu llahi alaika azima

"Once you understand this, you should know that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) has no need of the invocation of blessing of those who invoke blessing upon him, and it has not been legally prescribed for them for the purpose of causing him (Allah bless him and give him peace) to obtain its benefit. You should also know that he has no need of the presentation of the reward. If someone presents him with the reward for good deeds, imagining that he is giving him some extra provision, or that he (the Prophet) will obtain some benefit, that person can only be likened to someone who throws a drop (of water) into an ocean, the length of which is a journey of ten thousand years, and the breadth of which is the same, and the depth of which is the same, imagining that he is supporting that ocean with that drop. What need has that ocean of that drop, and how could it possibly be increased by it?"
"Once you understand the degree of his freedom from need (Allah bless him and give him peace) and his prestigous rank in the sight of his Lord, you should know that Allah has commanded His servants to invoke blessings upon the Prophet in order to make them aware of the loftiness of his worth in His sight."

Via-Sidi Abu Fatiha.
رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين


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