Relationship Between Shia And Torika Tijaniya

By: Sidi Aliyyu Uthman Bashir Niasse
We are related to them in the love of Ahlul bait (household of the prophet).
It was narrated in jawahirul Ma'aniy thus:
Sheikh tijani loves Ahlul bait, he protects their matter, he gives them hadiyyah (gift), he exhibits tawadi'u (humility) towards them, he respects them alot, he gives them good advice, he guides them to the attitudes of prophet, and he used to say that they are the ones that deserve to inherit the position of rasulillah (saw).
And he sees that to be weak in their love is a sign of weakness of iman/faith, he didn't love those who did not love them, and he expressed disapproval towards those that disrespects them.
Radiallahu Anhu wa Anhum wa matta'ana bi ridaahu, Ameen.
Sheikh Ahmad sukayraj said :-
Wa qad kaana yusiy Ashabahu wa Ahbabah Ala ta'azim Ahlul bayt was sidqi fi muhabbatihim bissiri wal Alaniyyah bi ikhlasin niyyah"
And secondly, it's not amazing to see the shias as khadim or follower to sheikh or even to become a tijanee because the spiritual path/tariqa did not specify single legal school of thought/mazhab, rather tariqa is given to anyone who wants it from muslimeen zakaran au untha (man or woman), kabeeran au sageeran (old and young), hurran au Abdan (freed and enslaved), taahi'an au aasiyan with condition to hold on its rules and regulations, and to be faithful with his promises.
From sayyidi idrisul iraqiy (RTA):
So, whether the person is following sunni or shi'iy, such can become tijaniyyah...and not every shi'a are astray and not all of them are in good path....just like in d path of sufism in this era we are now.
The worst of ideas is to choose some among sahabas and leave some, this is because Allah said in qur'an, suratul fathi verse 18:
"laqad radiyallahu Anil mu'umeenina iz yubayu'anaka tahtash shajarati fa'alima mafi qulubihim fa'anzalas sakinata Alaihim wa Athaabahum fathan qareebaa".
"Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave the pledge to you under the tree: He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down Tranquility upon them, and he rewarded them with a near victory".
And rasulillah (saw) said in a hadith Allah Allah in my companions don't take them (gardhan) after me, whoever loves them loves me, whoever hates them, he hates me, and whoever torture them, torture me and whoever torture me, he torture Allah to the end of the hadith.
This is for sahabas, so whoever do such things to them automatically does it to rasulillah (saw). This is where we separate from some shias and for where we relate is as follow:-
Allah said in suratul Ahzab verse 33:
"innama yuridillahu li yuzhiba ankumur rijsa Ahlal baiti wa yutaihirakum tatheera"
"Allah wishes only to Ar-Rijs (sins) from you, Oh members of the family (of the prophet), and to purify you with a thorough purification".
And rasul (SAW) said in a hadith "I am leaving two things behind for you:- the first one is the "Book of Allah", there is good path in it and light, whoever holds it he is in guidance (hudaa) and who leaves it he is in misguidance (dhalala) and my household (Ahlul bayt). I am reminding you about Allah with my household (he mentioned it 3 times)"
So, there is no wise man that has sense whichever mazhab he follows in shi'a or sunnah that will not take these verses and hadith and work with...and prepaid some aqwal of some people whom are distant from d teaching of maulana rasulillah (SAW).
‪#‎Regarding‬ the issue of whether Salat al Faatihi mentions the Sahabas
We can not say salatul fatih didn't refer to the sahabas.
If we go back to ulamaa, they have ikhtilifaat (ideological differnce) about "AHLIHI".
Some say AHLIHI contain sahabas while other say it is Ahlul bait and even some ulama says it is all muslims
Al-Qadi Iyadh brought this in his book "ASH SHIFA"
Sayyidina Ali (KRMWJH) said in nahjul balagha
"I saw companion of muhammad (SAW), I don't see anyone of you that resemble to them in terms of their standing and prostrate until it shows in their forehead and Ankle, they stand in front of their enemies like charcoal in a fire, if Allah is mentioned in front of them, you will see their eyes change and tears roll-down to their cheeks, they shake the way tree does when there is strong air, all because of their fear of Allah's punishment (eeqaab) and seeking his reward"
~(nahjul balagha)
In (kashful gummah fi ma'arifatil A'immah), one man asked Abu ja'afar (one of d big scholar of shi'a) about the permissibility of the cover of his sword? Abu ja'afar said "yes because Abu bakr siddiq covered his sword with silver" so the man (in a amazing and disappointing mode) said: you are the one saying this??
So Abu ja'afar stood up and left his place and said "yes Assiddiq, yes Assidiq, whoever didn't say he is siddiq then Allah will not authenticate his saying in world and here-after".
So, for us to be strong in this matter at the end is that we should know what decisions has been taken during the first conference of ulama'ul mazaahib (scholars of the various schools of thoughts) in Oman in the year 2005 in which more than 170 scholars attended the conference with many followers of these 8 mazahib (schools of thoughts) we have in islam...where they sat down and talked, and at the end they made the decision under 3 basic things which are as follows:-
No 1. Whoever is following any of the mazahib of Ahlus sunnah wal jama'ah (maliky, shafi'i, hanbali, hanafi) and mazahib of shia (ja'afariy and zaidiy) and mazhab of Abadhiy and mazhab of zahiriy he is muslim. It is not permissible to say he is kaafir/unbeliever and his blood, dignity, wealth are prohibited to touch, and followers of Aqeedah Al'ash'ariyyah and follower of sufism and the follower of the genuine thinking of salaf. It is not permissible to say that they are kaafir as the same as it is not permissible to say to all kind of community of muslim that they are kaafir, as much as they witnessed that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger and rest of pillars of islam.
No 2. The things that all these mazahib agree together upon are more than those in which they differ upon. The scholars of these 8 mazahib all agree upon mabadi'I'll asasiyyah al islam (the foundations of islam) and they all testified kalimatush shahada, they believe that qur'an is kalamallah, all of the schools gathered in pillars of islam shadatain, salah, zakkah, sawm, hajjul bait and on the article of faith:- iman billah, his angels, his books, his prophets, day of resurrection, and with qadarah good and bad ones.
So if we see the ikhtilafaat/differences of these scholars, it is not on the USUL/FOUNDATION but on FURU'A and it's mercy with reference of the hadith.
No 3. And is compulsory for a scholar when giving fatawa to be specifying mazhabs, and is not permissible for a scholar to do da'awa of new mazhab due to his ijtihaad, and giving fatawa of compulsory issue to muslim ummah that will remove them from rules and regulation of islam and its reward and its all mazahib.


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