Arrival In Fez

Shaykh Ibrahim’s Arrival in Fez:
Upon Shaykh Ibrahim’s arrival in Morocco at the port of Casablanca, he was received by notable Tijanis, among who was also a very old man whose father had been a Companion of Sayyidna Shaykh al-Tijani (RA). This man showed Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) the Blessed Sandal of Sayyidna Shaykh (RA) and Letters with his blessed handwriting. It was as if Sayyidna Shaykh (RA) himself was welcoming Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) into Morocco.

In the Zawiyah of Casablanca, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) was honored by the learned Muqaddam Sidi Muhammad bin Ali al-Susi (RA) who was so impressed by him that he said:
“The Muqaddam and great Wali Sidi al-Husayn al-Ifrani (RA) spoke the truth when he said, ‘The Black People are the Mine of Sainthood’ (as-Sudan Ma’dinal-Wilayah).” Moroccon Visits of Baye


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