
Showing posts from September, 2015

Rosulullah S.A.W

Hadith 19: Be Mindful of ALLAH •°○ Ibn Abbas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) reported: One day I was behind the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said to me: “O boy, I will teach you some words. Be mindful of ALLAH and He will protect you. Be mindful of ALLAH and you will find Him before you. When you ask, ask from ALLAH; and when you seek help, seek help from ALLAH. Know that if the entire creation were to gather together to benefit you, then would not benefit you except if ALLAH willed. And if the entire creation gathered together to harm you, they would not harm you except if ALLAH willed. The pens have been raised and the pages dried.” [ Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2516, Grade: Sahih] ○•° ○○°○•°○•°○•°○•°○•°○•°○•°○•°○•°○•° Hadith 19: Be Mindful of ALLAH •°○ Ibn Abbas (may ALLAH be pleased with him) reported: One day I was behind the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said to me: “O boy, I will teach you some words. Be mindful of ALLAH and He will protect you. Be

Learn How To Treat Your Woman Right

Carry her to her bed when she sleeps off in the parlour, make her feel like a baby attimes.. The truth is, every woman wants to be treated like a 2yrs old girl attimes... That's why women behave childish or silly attimes... You may have an arguement with your wife and d next thing is that you wil see her putting your bags outside the house, it doesn't mean she is asking for a divorce, she is just being childish, she simply wants you to hold her, look her in the eyes and say "I am sorry for the arguement"... That's women for you.. Every broda needs to study the university of women before getting married, read books about them, learn wht the prophet said about them and what Allah said about them, and u will hardly have a problem wit them... Though u will stil have problem o, bcos a woman is always a woman and her imperfections are there... Even the wives of the prophet were like that despite their ilm, heekmah and understandin of d deen..... Except

The Prophet's Divine Gift

Prophet Muhammad(saw) is said to have received a two-fold revelation. One, the knowledge of the Absolute Truth, in his heart and the other that is embodied in the content of holy Qur’an. While the Qur’an was conferred the status of the Holy Book to govern the conduct of the Muslims, the transmission of knowledge of the Absolute Truth in the heart of Prophet Muhammad was meant only for a few, from heart-to-heart, through the line of succession i.e. from the Master to the disciple and so on. All the Sufi tariqats (different Sufi Orders), therefore, trace their origin in Prophet Muhammad. It is believed that a large number of prophets of God preceded Prophet Muhammad. In Islamic traditions, the number of prophets is put at 124,000 and that of messengers of God at 313. The early prophets were monotheists and they brought the message of the one true God. They wished to reform the society and opposed idolatry. The pre-Islamic monotheists are believed to exist widely amongst Arab tribes from

Sheikh Ibrahim R.T.A

TAYSIR AL-WUSUL ILA HADRAT KHAYR AR-RASUL (The Easy Facilitation of Access to the Presence of the Best of the Messengers) By Sheikh al-Islam al-Qutb al-Fard ar-Rabbani al-‘Arif al-Kabir as-Samdani The Incomparable and Unique Lordly Cardinal Pole and Great Eternal Gnostic Sage Sheikh Elh. Ibrahim Abdullah Niass RA) In The Name Of Allah, Boundlessly Gracious, The Most Merciful Peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, the Opener of what was closed, the Seal of what has gone before, the Helper of the Truth with Truth and the Guide to Your straight path. The blessing should include his Family and be for them in accordance with the reality of his magnitude and his exceedingly great status. My heart adamantly rejects all else and is besieged with yearning and being enamored with love and ardent longing for the Prophet. I spend the entire night wide awake and alert composing songs and poetry for the one who is completely pure from the beginning (of his life) to

Qur'an Verses That Predict The Future

The Verses in the Quran That Mention Future Events Which Later Came to Pass One example of the events foretold in the Quran is the victory of the Romans over the Persians within three to nine years after the Romans were defeated by the Persians. God has said in the Quran: The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land (to the Arabian Peninsula), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious within bedd’ (three to nine) years.... (Quran, 30:2-4) Let us see what history tells us about these wars. A book entitled History of the Byzantine State says that the Roman army was badly defeated at Antioch in 613, and as a result, the Persians swiftly pushed forward on all fronts.1 At that time, it was hard to imagine that the Romans would defeat the Persians, but the Quran foretold that the Romans would be victorious within three to nine years. In 622, nine years after the Romans’ defeat, the two forces (Romans and Persians) met on Armenian soil, and the result was the decisive vict

Common Mistakes In Solat

COMMON MISTAKES IN PRAYERS. Dear All, Forward it to many Muslims, so that they can learn and correct their mistakes with the help of Allah Common Errors in Prayer That MUST Be Avoided:- 1. Reciting Surat al-Fatiha without pausing after each verse. The Prophet (SAW) used to pause after each verse of this surah. (Abu Dawood) 2. Sticking the arms to the sides of the body, in rukoo' or sujood, and sticking the belly to the thighs in sujood. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Let not one of you support himself on his forearms (in sujood ) like the dog. Let him rest on his palms and keep his elbows away from his body." ( Sahih Muslim) The Messenger of Allah (SAW) used to keep his arms away from his body during rukoo' and sujood that the whiteness of his armpits could be seen ( Sahih Muslim). 3. Gazing upward during prayer. This may cause loss of concentration. We are commanded to lower our gaze, and look at the point at which the head rests during sujood. The Prophet (SAW