Sheikh Ibrahim R.T.A

(The Easy Facilitation of Access to the Presence of the Best of the Messengers)
Sheikh al-Islam al-Qutb al-Fard ar-Rabbani al-‘Arif al-Kabir as-Samdani
The Incomparable and Unique Lordly Cardinal Pole and Great Eternal Gnostic Sage
Sheikh Elh. Ibrahim Abdullah Niass RA)
In The Name Of Allah, Boundlessly Gracious, The Most Merciful
Peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, the Opener of what was closed, the Seal of what has gone before, the Helper of the Truth with Truth and the Guide to Your straight path. The blessing should include his Family and be for them in accordance with the reality of his magnitude and his exceedingly great status.
My heart adamantly rejects all else and is besieged with yearning and being
enamored with love and ardent longing for the Prophet.
I spend the entire night wide awake and alert composing songs and poetry for the
one who is completely pure from the beginning (of his life) to the end (of his life).
I am recording my poem in my night vigil while my neighbors are asleep and my
eyelids are shedding tears like falling rain.
I compose the verses in proper order by mentioning his attributes and description,
what can be better than celebrating the precious moon?
My master Muhammad is the key to the (spiritual) openings and the seal of the
Messengers, while he is also their predecessor and leader.
By him all of the Prophets obtained their needs and by him the Divine Presence
(Hadarat) was beautified and adorned, so exalt and venerate him.
He has been the ‘Messenger of Allah’ even before the creation of Adam (AS), and he
will remain the glorious and magnified ‘Messenger of Allah’ for all of eternity.
He emerged as a unique treasure of the Absolute Reality (Kanziyatul Haqq), and the
distributor and source of all things {as creation is from his light}.1
The miracles of all the Messengers is only an extract from the miracle of Muhammad,
and by (means of) him is the regulation of all affairs.
He is the gift of the Lord of the Throne---‘Ta-Ha’---Muhammad! And also His Divine
Mercy--for He is Rahim, so let us honor him.
The giver of glad tidings and the warner (of the Day of Judgment), the just and
equitable distributor; the noble and liberal benefactor and his boon permeates to all.
He is a perfect role model, trustworthy and the most distinguished of all those sent,
He is the Beloved of the God of the Throne--from time primordial to all of eternity.
He is a cumulous white cloudscape from which rain is sought by his nobility and
blessing, and by him the dark night of ignorance is illuminated.
The hearts of all of humanity was made full of life by his light, and their tongues were
also made lively, purified and made erudite.
I swear by Allah! Ahmad has no counterpart, equal and no second (and no match),
for indeed Ahmad is a unique, distinctive and indivisible pearl (Fardun Jawhara lan
To be continued Insha'Allah.


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