Learn How To Treat Your Woman Right

Carry her to her bed when she sleeps off in the parlour,
make her feel like a baby attimes.. The truth is, every
woman wants to be treated like a 2yrs old girl attimes...
That's why women behave childish or silly attimes... You
may have an arguement with your wife and d next thing is
that you wil see her putting your bags outside the house, it
doesn't mean she is asking for a divorce, she is just being
childish, she simply wants you to hold her, look her in the
eyes and say "I am sorry for the arguement"... That's
women for you.. Every broda needs to study the university
of women before getting married, read books about them,
learn wht the prophet said about them and what Allah said
about them, and u will hardly have a problem wit them...
Though u will stil have problem o, bcos a woman is always
a woman and her imperfections are there... Even the wives
of the prophet were like that despite their ilm, heekmah and
understandin of d deen..... Except khadija bint khuwaylid,
she was the best among them, she was knownn as
taheraah (the pure), she doesn't even know how to commit
sin, she never shouted on the prophet even though she was
old enough to give birth to him, she was the best wife
material, a home maker, a sealed nectar, pepperisticcally
beautifull, the creme of quraysh, sweet scented musk,
stainless and untainted.. To the extent that Allah even sent
angell jibrael to greet her (as salamu alllaykum)......
SubhanAllah.... So brothers, read books about marriage, an
ideal home, child upbrnging, fiqh of marriage and the
likes.... Don't just jump into marriage wit an empty head
about matrimony... You will have problems. Even d wife of
umar was once shouting an yellling at him at the top of her
voice, a man wanted to come and complain of the same
issue to him but was surprised when d same thing was
happeing to umar. Umar callled d man and d man explained
his reason for coming, umar told him that, my wife takes
care of d house, do d dishes, feed d animalls, bake d bread,
feed my chilldren and takes care of me even though alll
these are not binding on her, why shouldn't also ignore her
imperfections? My broda, go and do d same to your wife,
and be patient and kind to her for there is no perfection in
dis world, and rely on Allah, these world is very short!!!!!!
SubhanAlllah.. How many men can tollerate their wives
nagging let alone shouting? Umar said, you should be quiet
when your spouse is angry, when one person is fire, the
other person should be water...... Brodaz, when ur wife
steps on your feet intentionally or mistakenlly, don't let your
eyes turn red, just smile at her, if she did it intentionaly, she
is just playin wit you, if she did it mistakenly, its not her
fault.... So why shout at her over every small mistake? As a
man learn to ignore some things, don't be petty... Some
men are so feminish.. Do hide and seek with ur wife, sing
poems for your wife in the garden or inside d house, even if
she is yabbing you... Assist her in house chores, pound
yam, fetch water, don't just be commanding her everyday..
Bath together with her, wake her up for tahajud, swim wit
her if its available, cook together, teach her how to cook if
she doesn't know it.. Cooking is not the ticket to jannah..
Its not only a feminine duty.. Use blind folds to cover her
eyes and tickle her, scare her attimes, call her from work,
text her, write "I love you" in a small note and put it under
her pillor or in her purse or in her bathroom or in her
cosmetics box or inside her cupboard... All these are part of
being romantic. When a woman tellls you that you are not
romantic... It means you are nt doing all these things, its
not d romance of d bedroom she is talking about...... That's
why u brothers have to study "women's language" its a 10
years course.. Lol... Now sisters, its also part of ur duty to
be romanticc too. Shyness doesn't mean u shud be shy to
express ur love for ur hubby, some women think dat haya
means u shud be tough even to ur hubby, ur husband is
now ur mahram by virtue of marriage. There are 3 forms of
mahram: by blood, by kinship and by marriage.. Send sweet
text to ur husband at work, sometimes even if u r in d room
discusin wit ur husband, stilll be chattin wit him on social
network, even though he is right there in ur front, its
fun!!!! U shud be chattin wit ur husband, not non'mahrms
on sociall ntwork.. Buy flowers for him, when eatin, give him
d bigger meat, attimes bake cake for him to surprise him..
Sisters, use ur soft voice to sing for him, be creative, a
poem like (twinklle twinkle lovely spouse, how I wonder
what you are, up above my world so high, like a diamond in
my heart). Sing poems for him, no shyness there. Al
khansaa nd khawlaa bint azwar used to sing, ibn qayyim
and imam shafi used to compose poems. Its sunnah... One
day, when your husband has gone to work, quickly clean the
house and do d chores, cook his favourite dish, arrange it in
the dining table, clean d cleanable and dust d dustable,
........... Wow.. That's what being romantic is about, infact
his love for u will increase. Don't just be wellcomin ur
husband wit an angry face bcos ther is no money in d
house, Alllah is ar-razaq, he is d provider.. Don't wellcome
ur husband wit ur body smelling maggi, don't only play wt ur
husband when he hs collected salary. Wellcome him wit a
warm hug allways, and when he is going to work, make dua
for him to Alllah to return him safely. Suport him, advise
him, wipe his tears, be grateful to him, its not easy to be a
man, when u see his eeman depreciating, encourage him,
don't threaten him that u willl seek for divorce, don't
compare him wit other men, don't describe women to him,
buy gifts for him too, wash his clothes for him, sing for him,
praise him in a way that he woulldnt think of a second wife,
be d best cook, wash his car, dress him up, give him
injection when he is sick... Wake him wit a peck and don't
by complain about his snoring.. Ask him to teach you
aabout ahadith, fiqh, seerah, usool and others.. Sometimes
spare him of women troubles.. Umar ibn khattab said, be
good to ur wives, be like a kid to her but when things get
tough, stand up and act like a man... the prophet said, when
any of u meet ur wives, let there be a messenger(kissing)
between you and her (Muslims.. Read books on intimacy, don't
learn it from what u see in movies.. Most of what u see are
haram.. Call ur husband wit pet names, cute names or his
kunya... Though you can also call him by his name even if
he is 20yrs older than you, as far as he is comfortable with
it... Remember that Alllah said, men are the protectors and
maintainers of women..... So respect him and honour him
even if he is younger than u... Marriage isn't a bed of roses
but a bed of sacrifice.. The prophet said, there is nothing
better for two people who love eachother than marriage...
Imam ibn qayyim said,To fall in love is a disease and its
cure is to marry d person one is in love with. Love is when u
take away the feeling, d passion and d romance and u find
out u stilll care for that person... Finaly, married men, divide
your nights into 3: one for yourself (sleeping), one for your
wife and one for your lord.. That's d best nyt one can ever
have, as for d bachelors, toh... May Alllah grant u the
spouses that wil bring coolness to our eyes,ameen. Happy
post sallah eid-el mubaraq!!!


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