Today's Hadith

Riyad-us-Saliheen : Narated by Anass and he
said: The messenger of Allaah (s.a.w) said:
Three things follow the dead: his family, his
money and his deeds. Two of them return
while one remain with him: his family and
his money come back, and his works (deeds)
stay with him." agreed upon.
Commentary: Life is like a bridge to the
hereafter. This life can be term as
temprorary i.e all or what ever we do in this
world is going to reflect in our hereafter
however in this temporary life we are
bound to encounter diff trays of test, like
vexation or unhappiness, but the hypocrits
or the unwise people do their best to get its
fun while trying this and destroy their
hereafter. Moreover In the grave, were is
known to be the darkiest, narrowest and
the unknown where one will be put and
cover with dust, and all the sympatizer leave
him or her and only his deeds i.e his good
deeds will save him or her from the
punishment and turment of hell. Dear
brothers and sisters may Allah (swt) guide
against the deciet of shaytan laanatulah alyh)
and also protect us from the purnishment
and turment of the grave and hell (Ameen)


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