
Showing posts from October, 2015

Bidaa In Islam

WHAT IS BIDAA ? There are many argument about what is 'bida'? Some said you can't do devotion which the Prophet sallahu alaihi wa salam never do. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse explain profoundly on this subject. "HUJJAT AL-BALIGHA" (The Conclusive Argument) by Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse(RA) on the subject of "Bid'a" or new innovations in Islam In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful All praise and thanks belongs to Allah, The Lord of all the worlds. The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. The Master of the Day of Judgment. You Alone do we worship and from You Alone do we seek help. The One Who said, “Who is more excellent in speech than he who invites to Allah?” (41:33). May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah, our master Muhammad (SAWS), who said, “Allah will cause to flourish whosoever hears my words and carries them out and makes others aware of them.” and he also said, “Convey from me even if it’s a singl

Biography Of Sheikh Tijani رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

Life of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani SHEIKH AHMED TIJANI, THE SEAL OF MOHAMMADIAN SAINTHOOD This is a short summary of Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Tijani's life (May ALLAH be satisfied with him). A famous master in Sufism by the name of Sidi Mokhtar El Kounty (May ALLAH be satisfied with him), had declared that the 12th century of the Hegira was comparable to that of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) in many aspects and that it was at that particular moment that the Seal of Mohammadian Sainthood would appear. Indeed, in 1737/38 (1150 from the Hegira) Seyyidina Sheikh Ahmed Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mokhtar Tidjani (May ALLAH be satisfied with him) was born in a small town of Algerian desert called Ain Madhi. He was the son of the very pious and well learned Sidi Muhammad Ibn Mokhtar Tidjani (May ALLAH be satisfied with him) and the virtuous and honorable Aicha (May God be satisfied with her). They were of a noble lineage where one could find several gifted scholars and saints.

Sheikh Salahudeen

 Oh my servant, I have decreed in my preeternality that never shall the light of surrendering to Me and the darkness of contesting with Me coincide together in my servant’s heart; for when one exists, the other must cease to accompany it. So choose for yourself! ....... Thus, woe be to you when We exalt your rank, while you remain preoccupied with the whims of your ego! So choose not to diminish your rank, oh one whom we have raised! ....... Do not degrade yourself in turning to other than Me, oh one we have honoured! Woe to you! You are far too honourable to busy yourself with other than Us!  For My Presence have I created you,  to it have I addressed you,  and with the attractive allure of my care for it, I have I enticed you. ....... Thus, if you are preoccupied with yourself, I shall veil you (from My Presence), and if you follow the whims of your ego, I shall banish you.  But if you choose to cast these away, I shall draw you near,  and if you lovingly seek Me by foregoing what i

Letter From Sheikh رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

LETTER #4 FROM THE DISCOURSES: “THE SPREAD OF THE FAYDA TIJANIYYA TO ALL THE HORIZONS”: In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful All thanks and praise belongs to Allah, The Lord of all the worlds. The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. The Master of the Day of Judgment. After this: I am sending this greeting of perfect peace from a servant who is absolutely enriched by his Master and Lord to be completely independent of everything but Him, Ibrahim ibn Al-Hajj Abdullahi al-Tijani. This letter is written to my beloved, the sincere Murid of my father, al-Hassan Jaayin. You should know that I am writing this to give sincere advice to you--by Allah and for Allah--knowing that you are a true servant of Allah and a disciple of Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani(RA).  Surely Allah, Glorious & Exalted is He!--in His Eternal Wisdom--has decided to pour out (Ifada) this Spiritual Flood in the Tariqa Tijaniyya upon the hand of its owner(RA), and the Holder of the Fayda Tijaniyya (Sahib a

Muharram First Ten Days

A virtuous fasting week to come 1. Thursday 22 October 2015 // 8 muharram 1437 Thursday sunnah fasting. 2. Friday 23 October 2015 // 9 muharram 1437 The day before Aashura (Taasuua) 3. Saturday 24 October 2015 // 10 muharram 1437 The day of Aashuraa 4. Monday 26 October 2015 // 12 muharram 1437 Monday sunnah fasting 5. Tuesday 27 October 2015 // 13 muharram 1437 First of the white monthly days 6. Wednesday 28 October 2015 // 14 muharram 1437 Second of the white monthly days 7. Thursday 29 October 2015 // 15 muharram 1437 Third of the white monthly days. For any reason you may not be able to fast, but you might be immensely rewarded by the fasting of the one you'll forward this to🔁

Sheikh Ahmad رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

From the Kashf al-Ilbas 'an Fayd al-Khatm Abu'l Abbas (The Removal of Confusion concerning the Spiritual Effusion of Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani) by Shaykh al-Islam al-Hajj Ibrahim ibn Alhajj Abdullahi Niasse (ra): "Concerning our confident reliance on the Tijani Spiritual Path, which is endowed with Lordly Secrets and Divine Bounties, and concerning its Sciences and its Secrets: Success is achieved with the Help of Allah, for He is the Guide by His grace to the straight path! It is no secret that the Tijani Spiritual Path is the most excellent of all the Spiritual Paths, and the party consisting of its loyal adherents is the most exemplary of all the parties, since it is an Ahmadi-Muhammad i-Ibrahimi Spiritual Path.  Its outer form comprises the modes of conduct prescribed by the Sacred Law (Sharia) and its inner content is the product of Spiritual Reality (Haqiqa). In its practices and its offices (waza'if), you will find nothing that Allah has not commanded expl

Tijani Path

From the Secrets of the Tijani Path: Surah Al-Fatiha with the Intention Among the greatest miraculous virtues (Karamat) of Sidna Shaykh Abu'l Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Tijani (may Allah be well-pleased with him) that the Greatest Khalifa, Sidi Abu'l Hassan Ali Harazem ibn al-Arabi Berrada al-Fasi (ra, d. 1218H/1803) reports in the "Jawahir al-Ma'ani" and the "Epistle of Bounty and Gratitude to the Companions and Confidants" is that the Almighty Allah bestowed upon him the secrets of Surah al-Fatiha with the Intention of mentioning the Greatest Name of Allah that is specially reserved for the Holy Prophet (al-Ism al-A'zam al-Kabir al-Khass bi-Rasulillah). This Name is codified with a complicated talisman and no one can reach its secrets, including the eminent Cardinal Poles (Aqtab), because it is part of the all-encompassing Ahmadi-Muhammadi Presencee (Hadrat al-Ahmadiyya al-Muhammadiyya), which no Pole has any share in its content because of i

Seyidina Umar RTA

In the times of Umar (Radiallahu Anhu) there was a severe famine. All the people of Madinah were suffering due to the shortage of food. A caravan made up of a thousand camels loaded with a large stock of food grains belonging to Uthman (Radiallahu Anhu) arrived from Shaam (Syria). Several merchants offered to buy all of it. He asked them what profit they would pay. "Five per cent," they said. He answered that he could get higher profit than that. They began to argue with him, saying that they did not know of any merchant who would offer him more than their quote. He said to them, "I know of one who repays a profit of more than seven hundred to a dirham (Arabian currency)." He then recited the verse of the Noble Quran in which Allah Ta'ala mentioned this profit. "The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to

Think About It

You're a virgin, you masturbate in secret but you condemn unmarried people who have indiscriminate s*x.. Why are you better? . You don't drink alcohol but in your private you smoke all kinds of weed and grass..How are you better? . You dress moderately but in your private chats with the opposite s*x you send your indecent photos, But you condemn those who act p*rnography for commercial purposes. How are you better? . She wears trouser and skimpy clothes, You wear long skirts like somebody I know, but you lack character.. How are you better? . He paid for his exams to be written for him, you wrote for yourself with the aid of malpractice, Why should you judge him? . You copy from books and post it on Facebook to receive compliments, and they copy from you and you keep shouting "PLAGIARISM" Who are you deceiving? . You're in a relationship, you're not cheating but each time you see a beautiful woman, you claim single.. What are you doing? . I wrote this and peo

Niyass رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

"O my brethren, know that the believers are to be like a solid cemented structure. A believer is the brother of a believer, and your Wali is none but Allah, His Messenger and those who have faith. Do not harbor malice or hatred for one another, do not be envious of one another, do not desert or boycott one another, and be servants of Allah as brethren to one another! Do not spy on one another, and do not offend one another, especially the companions of our Shaykh Tijani, who spoke the truth when he said: 'We have an such an elevated degree in (the Presence of Allah) that it is haram for me to mention it to you, and it is not what you have heard already. If I was to broadcast it, the people of truth and gnosis would take consensus to kill me. Among the exclusive privelages of this rank is that whosoever is not careful about offending our companions will certainly face destruction.' He also said: 'I advise every muqaddam to spread out the garment of pardon for every sho