Think About It

You're a virgin, you masturbate in secret but you condemn unmarried people who have indiscriminate s*x..
Why are you better?
You don't drink alcohol but in your private you smoke all kinds of weed and grass..How are you better?
You dress moderately but in your private chats with the opposite s*x you send your indecent photos, But
you condemn those who act p*rnography for commercial
purposes. How are you better?
She wears trouser and skimpy clothes, You wear long skirts like
somebody I know, but you lack character.. How are you better?
He paid for his exams to be written for him, you wrote for yourself with the aid of malpractice, Why should
you judge him?
You copy from books and post it on
Facebook to receive compliments, and they copy from you and you
keep shouting "PLAGIARISM" Who
are you deceiving?
You're in a relationship, you're not cheating but each time you see a
beautiful woman, you claim single.. What are you doing?
I wrote this and people feel I'm better, why ain't they wrong?
You read this piece and pass judgement on me. But you never knew your last days... Who are you to judge?
Never pass judgement on others unless you are perfect yourself.
I've realised that most judgement we pass on others are judgements we deserve if there's careful evaluation.


  1. The truth exposed
    Great brother
    God bless u
    Thank you


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