Niyass رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

"O my brethren, know that the believers are to be like a solid cemented structure. A believer is the brother of a believer, and your Wali is none but Allah, His Messenger and those who have faith. Do not harbor malice or hatred for one another, do not be envious of one another, do not desert or boycott one another, and be servants of Allah as brethren to one another! Do not spy on one another, and do not offend one another, especially the companions of our Shaykh Tijani, who spoke the truth when he said:
'We have an such an elevated degree in (the Presence of Allah) that it is haram for me to mention it to you, and it is not what you have heard already. If I was to broadcast it, the people of truth and gnosis would take consensus to kill me. Among the exclusive privelages of this rank is that whosoever is not careful about offending our companions will certainly face destruction.' He also said:
'I advise every muqaddam to spread out the garment of pardon for every shortcoming and to forgive the brethren for every imperfection and slip up. If you see a spark of discord cropping up among the brothers, rush to extinguish it! I advise you all to obey the muqaddams in all they order of you in the way of good, or in the way of reconciliation between brethren. Do not look after the worldly affairs of each other and do not yearn for the possessions of the brothers, knowing that Allah (alone) is the Bestower and the Witholder, the One Who raises and the One Who debases.'~SHAYKH AL-ISLAM ABU ISHAQ IBRAHIM IBN ABDULLAHI NIASSE (May Allah be well-pleased with him)

Via-Muhammad Abdullahi


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