Tijani Path

From the Secrets of the Tijani Path: Surah Al-Fatiha with the Intention
Among the greatest miraculous virtues (Karamat) of Sidna Shaykh Abu'l Abbas Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Tijani (may Allah be well-pleased with him) that the Greatest Khalifa, Sidi Abu'l Hassan Ali Harazem ibn al-Arabi Berrada al-Fasi (ra, d. 1218H/1803) reports in the "Jawahir al-Ma'ani" and the "Epistle of Bounty and Gratitude to the Companions and Confidants" is that the Almighty Allah bestowed upon him the secrets of Surah al-Fatiha with the Intention of mentioning the Greatest Name of Allah that is specially reserved for the Holy Prophet (al-Ism al-A'zam al-Kabir al-Khass bi-Rasulillah).
This Name is codified with a complicated talisman and no one can reach its secrets, including the eminent Cardinal Poles (Aqtab), because it is part of the all-encompassing Ahmadi-Muhammadi Presencee (Hadrat al-Ahmadiyya al-Muhammadiyya), which no Pole has any share in its content because of its lofty sublimity.
Sidi Abu Yazid al-Bistami (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "I went to the depths of Gnosis in search of the essence of the Muhammadan Reality (Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyya), where I found between me and it a thousand veils of light. If I approached the first veil I would be burned just as hair is burned when cast into the fire, and so I merely delayed the retreat.
"Alhamdulilah! All praise & thanks is due to Allah! The ending stages of the Aqtab is the beginning stages of the companions of the Seal Shaykh al-Khatm Ahmad al-Tijani! I have thoroughly investigated the words of the eminent Gnostics (Arbab al-Ma'arif) and have only seen in them the first steps or the beginning degrees of Spiritual Illumination (Fath) with us! As for the second & third Realities (Haqíqatu'l Thaniyya wa'l Thalitha), they have not even smelled its fragrance!"
—Shaykh al-Hajj Ibrahim b. Al-Hajj Abdullahi Niasse (ra), Ziyadat al-Jawahir, Letter #26 {Interpreted from the Arabic by Muhammad Abdullahi al-Tijani al-Ibrahimi}.
رضي الله عنه


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