Special Juma'at Speech

This speech was delivered by Sheikh Ibrahim for the celebration of the Prophet’s Birthday (Mawlid) in Medina-Kaolack, Senegal on July 19, 1965.
May Allah continue to guide ,protect and increase our love for him Bijahi Mawlana Sheikh Ibrahim.
Praise be to Allah, who has honored and favored us by sending our master Muhammad to us. Allah’s prayer and peace is upon him, now as it was with the previous generations. On his account, Allah said, “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a mercy to all the worlds” (21:107). Through him, Allah gave us the gift of His revelation, His clear path for those striving for righteousness. With him, Allah has sent the religion of truth, “so that He may exalt it above all religions” (61:9).
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, upon his family, upon his virtuous companions, and upon all those who follow him to the Day of Judgment.
On this occasion of the Mawlid – the remembrance of the birth of light itself, the eye of bountiful deliverance in this world and the next – let us renew our attachment to the faith of Islam, the everlasting religion of Allah. Indeed, Allah’s satisfaction lies in our refusal of anything other than Islam. As in the Qur’an, “He who follows another religion besides Islam, his religion will not be accepted of him” (3:85).
Islam is the belief in One God. The resignation to the Will of Allah is the realization of justice among the people. The Qur’an reveals that all of the Prophets of Allah have used the same word to describe their religion: al-Islam or “submission.” Islam is surely the universal religion, encompassing all the other religions. The stains of man cannot obscure or modify its essential beauty. Islam was the belief and method of worship prescribed for Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ. Its meaning has not changed: release yourself into the worship of Allah, and do not divide yourselves to its purpose.As for those religions the Qur’an mentions as having been altered by later followers, these religions had already become irreparably distant from the essential truth of Islam before becoming nullified by successive revelations. The last revelation, which abrogates the previous revelations, is the religion of Muhammad. “This community of yours is one community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me!” (21:92).


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