Sheikh Ahmad رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين

From the Kashf al-Ilbas 'an Fayd al-Khatm Abu'l Abbas (The Removal of Confusion concerning the Spiritual Effusion of Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani) by Shaykh al-Islam al-Hajj Ibrahim ibn Alhajj Abdullahi Niasse (ra):

"Concerning our confident reliance on the Tijani Spiritual Path, which is endowed with Lordly Secrets and Divine Bounties, and concerning its Sciences and its Secrets:

Success is achieved with the Help of Allah, for He is the Guide by His grace to the straight path!

It is no secret that the Tijani Spiritual Path is the most excellent of all the Spiritual Paths, and the party consisting of its loyal adherents is the most exemplary of all the parties, since it is an Ahmadi-Muhammadi-Ibrahimi Spiritual Path. 

Its outer form comprises the modes of conduct prescribed by the Sacred Law (Sharia) and its inner content is the product of Spiritual Reality (Haqiqa). In its practices and its offices (waza'if), you will find nothing that Allah has not commanded explicitly in His Mighty Book, nor will you find anything of which Allah does not approve, by word and deed, explicitly or by implication. 

That is because the Tijani litany (wird), which is recited in the morning and the evening, consists of the following:

*The plea of forgiveness (al-istighfar)
*The invocation of blessing upon the Prophet (as salat ala Nabi)
*The affirmation of Tawhid (that there is no god but Allah)
*Verses (ayat) from the Quran

Furthermore, the wird was received from the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), in a state of wakefulness not sleep. It was he who built its foundation with his noble hand and assigned it to our Imam [Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani] as a charismatic gift (karama) for this mercifully blessed Community (ummah). 

Ever since Allah brought it into existence and presented it from the ocean of generosity, so that its benefit was made apparent to the servants of the Lord, people have benefited by it in former and in recent times, both outwardly and inwardly, in all the regions of the earth, in the countries and the towns.

Whenever a negligent servant is at the utmost distance from his Lord & Master, or is actually at war with Allah and with those in charge of him, but then he meets this Imam or one of his disciples, Allah will instill the love of this Imam in his heart, and he will receive this wird from him. 

His spiritual state will thus be transformed and he will be included among the noble servants of Allah. He will purify himself, perform the ritual prayers and keep the fast. He will love the people of Allah and he will love the best of humanity (saws).

In a very short time, it will become clear that he is among the chosen few, the cream of the crop. This state of affairs would be acknowledged by anyone familiar with the Spiritual Path of this
magnanimous Imam, even if he happened to be one of its ignoble enemies. 

It is strictly incumbent, therefore, upon everyone who is aware of this abundant grace, to compete in the effort to excel in the performance of this splendid Tijani wird".


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