Letter From Sheikh رضي الله تعالى عنه آمين


In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

All thanks and praise belongs to Allah, The Lord of all the worlds. The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. The Master of the Day of Judgment. After this:

I am sending this greeting of perfect peace from a servant who is absolutely enriched by his Master and Lord to be completely independent of everything but Him, Ibrahim ibn Al-Hajj Abdullahi al-Tijani. This letter is written to my beloved, the sincere Murid of my father, al-Hassan Jaayin. You should know that I am writing this to give sincere advice to you--by Allah and for Allah--knowing that you are a true servant of Allah and a disciple of Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani(RA). 

Surely Allah, Glorious & Exalted is He!--in His Eternal Wisdom--has decided to pour out (Ifada) this Spiritual Flood in the Tariqa Tijaniyya upon the hand of its owner(RA), and the Holder of the Fayda Tijaniyya (Sahib al-Fayda) can place it wherever he so chooses, by the Decree of the Almighty, the All-Powerful (Al-Aziz Al-Jabbar). The Fayda will cover the horizons by the Power and Might of Allah, and no one will be able to hinder or prevent its spread to wherever there are Tijanis. Surely, Allah has tested some of the Shaykhs and the leading Muqaddams in their plotting and making false propaganda (against this Fayda and its Bringer) seeking to put out the Light of Allah, but Allah refuses except to complete and perfect His Light! 

You have been my beloved since the time of my adolescence and that is why I am writing to you. I am warning you to not be among those who are seeking to put out the Light of Allah--out of mercy & compassion--not due to worrying about the spread of the Fayda, because it will spread by the Might & Power of Allah! Whosoever desires to conceal it will only help it to spread! Whosoever seeks to turn people away from it and its bringer will only turn people from him and not it! Look with the eye of your heart and you will see the veracity and truth of my words.

There is nothing that can take place in the Kingdom of Allah (Mulk) except that which He Wills! I am advising myself and you to have conscious awareness of Allah (Taqwa)--in public and in private--and to support the People of Allah with love, camaraderie, and alliance, in order to receive from them the gift of Allah. Do not invite (people) to what is not for you! Allah says, “And follow not that of which you have no knowledge.” (17:36). Whosoever desires honor and glory in this life and the Hereafter, let them know that to Allah belongs all honor and glory! 

The love of Allah is known by having love for His people--and they are the ‘Arifin! Your neighbor, Al-Hajj Muhammad Zaynab Niasse(RA) is one of the ‘Arifin--and I do not know of anyone who matches him in Divine Gnosis--so be with him for Allah, in Allah, and by Allah, so that you can receive benefit from him and also to benefit your students. No one will be able to harm you in the least, either in this life or the Hereafter. If you do not take this advice, Allah will not be not harmed in the least! You will come to know in this life and the Hereafter that I have (written this letter due to) love for you and nothing else! Today I have love for nothing (but Allah) and Allah is Witness of what I have said! 

Give my greeting of peace to everyone, especially to my son named after my father, Al-Hajj Abdullahi, and his brothers and sisters.

Ibrahim ibn Al-Hajj Abdullahi al-Tijani
Kossi, Senegal

[Interpreted from the Arabic by Muhammad Abdullahi al-Tijani al-Ibrahimi].


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