
Showing posts from November, 2018


MAULID IN THE BOOKS OF IBN KATHIR AND IBN TAYMIYYAH.... THEY ARE BOTH WAHABIST SCHOLARS The Wahhabis asked for the evidence of #Mawlid and we give them countless evidence even from the books of their scholars but they choose to remain stubborn and insult those that shows their sincere love to the best of creation (saw). . Ibn Taymiyyah writes in his book: “Those people who celebrate Mawlid through the love and respect of the Prophet [sallallahu alaihi wasallam], will be rewarded by Allah. [Iqtidaa’ us-siraat-il-Mustaqeem, page 294] . Ibn Kathir Mentioned the celebration of birth of Rasulallah Salallahu Alaihi Wassalam in his History "Al-Bi'dayah Wal’Nihaya" Vol.13, p. 136: "Sultan Muzaffar used to arrange the celebration of the mawlid with honour, glory, dignity and grandeur. In this connection he used to organise a magnificent festival". He was a pure-hearted, brave and wise Aalim (Scholar) and a just ruler, may Allah shower His Mercy upon him and grant

Maolud 2018

‎هنيئا لإبراهيم لاح هلاله # هلال بدى لناظرين جماله 374. Hanî-an li-ibrâhima lâha hilâluhu # Hilâlun badâ li-nazirîna jamâluhu 374. Congratulations to Ibrahim (Niass) whenever his (favorite) month (Rabi' al-Awwal) appears. A month that its splendour looks beautiful to the observers. ‎هلال ربيع فيه جاء محمد # فتم لنا البشرى وعم نواله 375. Hilâlun rabî-in fihi jâ-a muhammadun # Fatamma lanâl bushrà wa amma nawâluhu 375. Muhammad was born in the month of Rabi' (al-Awwal), we are highly delighted and his boon permeates to all and sundry. ‎لأفضل ارض حل افضل مرسل # بافضل يوم فاستبان كماله 376. li-afdali ardin halla afdalu mursalin # bi-afdali yawmin, fastabâna kamâluhu 376. The most favourable Prophet was born in the most favourable place and on the most favoured day. Then, his perfection is elucidated. ‎قداختير من كل العوالم اصله # كما اخترا واختيرت لذاك فعاله 377. qad ikhtîra min kullil awâlim asluhu # kamâ khtîra, wa khtîrat lizâka fi-âluhu 377. H

Holy Month Of Prophet Muhammad S. A. W

“I remind you to beware of Allah regarding his Habib, the Master of Existence (Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam). For the Celebration of his Mawlid has come close, and I testify that we have not fulfilled our duty towards him (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in anything, not even in honoring his Mawlid (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). And as we are now in the Age of extreme hardship and spread of evil, there is no other Door to Allah, except him (Sallallahu Alaiahi Wasallam), and there is no refuge from Allah, except to Allah. Therefore, I call on you, O my beloved ones, and all those who obey me, that we celebrate the Mawlid in a manner even greater than before. And let everyone spend in this Mawlid according to his capacity." —Mawlana Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim b. Al-Hajj Abdullahi Niasse al-Tijani( ra) اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد الفاتح لما أغلق والخاتم لما سبق ناصر الحق بالحق والهادي الى صراطك المستقيم وعلى آله حق قدره ومقداره العظيم في كل وقت وحين صلاة تحققني بها بحقائق رقائق دقائق اخلاق وصف


SHEIKH BAYE ON OBLIGATORY PRAYER Alhamdulilahi ! Greetings to my humble friends and family in social media. In fact us very irritating seeing some people acting wayward and satanic using he name of maulana sheikh Ibrahim niass. Today some group of people called (YAN HAQIQA)  propagating to people not to observe the daily prayers why because they are higher in Gnostic ,SUBHANALAH. IS THIS THE TEACHING OF SHEIKH IBRAHIM NIASS? I solemnly swear that this is not the teachings of our beloved grand master maulana swahibul wakt,. In katsina(Nigeria)  sheikh Ibrahim niass gave a speech in a gathering and when he came to the section of the five daily prayers he said and I quote "A SERVANT SHOULD OBSERVE THE FIVE DAILY OBLIGATORY PRAYERS WHICH IS THE GREATEST MEANS OF WORSHIPPING ALLAH.  THIS FIVE TIMES DAILY PRAYER IS AN EXERCISE OF SPIRITUAL ASCENSION AND IT FACILITATE GOOD THINGS FOR THE DEVOTEE." Shehu continued by saying "WHOEVER THEREFORE WATCHES OVER HIS PRAYERS WATC

Nobiy Muhammad S. A. W

🌿🌿 WELCOME RABIUL-AWAL  🌿🌿 هنيئا لإبراهيم لاح هلاله # هلال بدى لناظرين جماله Hanî-an li-ibrâhima lâha hilâluhu # Hilâlun badà li-nazirîna jamâluhu Congratulations to Ibrahim (Niass) whenever his (favorite) month (Rabi' al-Awwal) appears. A month that its splendour looks beautiful to the observers. هلال ربيع فيه جاء محمد # فتم لنا البشرى وعم نواله Hilâlu rabî-in fihi jâ-a muhammadun # Fatamma lanâl bushrà wa amma nawâluhu Muhammad was born in the month of Rabi' (al-Awwal), we are highly delighted and his boon permeates to all and sundry. لأفضل ارض حل افضل مرسل # بافضل يوم فاستبان كماله li-afdali ardin halla afdalu mursalin # bi-afdali yawmin, fastabâna kamâluhu The most favourable Prophet was born in the most favourable place and on the most favoured day. Then, his perfection is elucidated. قداختير من كل العوالم اصله # كما اخترا واختيرت لذاك فعاله qad ikhtîra min kullil awâlim asluhu # kamâ khtîra, wa khtîrat lizâka fi-âluhu His origin was chosen from all clan o


DHIKR OUT LOUD To answer the brother who asked why do we do dhikr (chanting and recitation of God's Names and Praise) out loud, and what is the legal ruling on this: Allah has told us to make dhikr. He did not tell us how to do it. He did not specify, He did not limit it. He told us to make much dhikr, to make it in abundance. The purpose of dhikr - Allah has told us: the purpose is to attach our hearts to Him, to remind our hearts of Him - that is the literal meaning of 'dhikr' - 'to remember.' Dhikr is a means to bring ourselves to the degree of consciousness at which we know and understand that only God is God! That we need to thank God, that we need to praise God. Also, it is to silence the voice, the distraction, the whispering of shaytan that is trying to distract us and get us away from that consciousness. Now, as to the question of whether loud or quiet, it is a matter of volume, like when you listen to music. Sometimes you need it loud, sometimes you

Great Lesson From Sh. TIJANI RTA

Allah SWT created Human and two things were combined together to make up a human. Firstly: The Body (Al Jasad). Secondly: The Ruuh (Spirit). The body of human can never be in permanent state of health, there is no how, the body will be sick for sometime and it will be healthy for sometime. If the body is sick, this body has to be taken to hospital for treatment. Similarly, The ruuh (spirit) of human use to contact virus just has his body use to contact virus. The ruuh can never be in a permanent healthy state, it must surely contact virus for a while and be healthy for a while just has the same thing happens to the body of human. So, if the ruuh contact virus, which hospital are we going to take the ruuh to for treatment? Just has we normally do check up for our body, some people once in two months, some people once in a month, some other people once in two weeks, all these are to check our health status. Just as we do check up for our bodies, we also do check up for our ruuh to

Maolud Nabiy S. A. W

Taha(SAW) never had a wet dream ever, nor did he yawn at any point of time Creatures never fled from him, and no fly landed on his beautiful body ever Behind him was like in front of him, a clever person will never see his shadow in the sun His shoulders would rise above everyone else when he sat, his birth describe him as circumcised Please memorize these peculiar qualities, and you will be safe from the evil of the fire, thieves and from trials And to be safe from the trails of Dunya and Akhira one should say three times in the morning and evening “I have prepared every fearsome tribulations I met in dunya and akhira with Lailaha illa allaah muhammadu rasoolullah, for every grief and sorrow Masha ALLAH, for every blessing alhamdulilah, and for every time of ease and time of difficulty Shukru lillah (thankfulness to allah), and for every wondresness thing Subahanallah, and for every sin Asthaufirullah, for every affliction inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon(from him we come an

Niyass R.T.A

"The people of perfection have realized all stations and states and passed beyond these to the station above both Majesty and Beauty, so they have no attribute and no description. It was once said to Abu Yazid al-Bistami (radhi Allahu anhu), 'How are you this morning?” He replied, “I have no morning and no evening; morning and evening belong to him who becomes delimited by attributes, and I have no attributes." ~Sahib al-Fayda Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (radhi Allahu  anhu)

Seyi Ujud

Imam al-Busiri was paralysed so he wrote a poem (Qasidah al-Burdah) in praise of Rasūlullāh ﷺ with hope that Allāh would cure him. One night, he fell asleep and saw the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ who told him to recite what he had written. Rasūlullāh ﷺ was so pleased that he placed his cloak over Imam al-Busiri, and when he awoke, he was completely cured. Mawlaya Sali Wa Salim Da'iman... is now one of the most reknowned poems in the world. May Allāh cure our ill.

Declare War Against Shayṭān

Declare War Against Shayṭ ān Whoever is asking for enjoyment with material things, are ignorant, no mind creatures. Even sitting on heaps of diamonds and gold, you are feeling unhappy. Don't be cheated! Whole treasures on Earth have no value. Shayṭān is teaching you to be greedy and always asking more material. Leave that and ask for heavenly aspects; they are ever-ending. Prophets, messengers, heavenly advisors and holy books have come to warn you. You must declare war against shayṭān and his agents and followers. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al Huqqani q.s❤

Public Enlightment on the Supremacy of Knowledge

CHAPTER ONE :TABSIRITA ANAM One of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's major work on education is titled Tabsiratul-Anām fī anna-l-‘ilm Huwal-Imām (Public Enlightment on the Supremacy of Knowledge ). Chapter one addresses the credits of teachers and students. The chapter also intensified on the issue of specialization of Knowledge and references were made to six Prophets and the Saint whom were endowed with different types of knowledge. (1) Prophet Adam was endowed with knowledge of all nature: “And He (Allah) taught Adam all the names (of all nature)”- (Q2:31) (2) Khidr (a saint) was endowed with knowledge of Tasawwuf: “So they found one of our servants(khidr) on whom we had taught knowledge from our own presence”- (Q18:65) (3) Prophet Yusuf(Joseph) was endowed with interpretation of dreams: “Oh my Lord! You have indeed bestowed on me some power, and taught me something of the interpretation of dreams and events”- (Q12:101) (4) Prophet Dawood(David) was endowed with knowledge of metal


Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote:     فصورة إبراهيم تبقى تذكرا     إذا اب للمولى الكريم و تفكرا     And the Picture of Ibrahim will remain as a Reminder     After he returns to his Generous Lord and is remembered      حياتي رموز كلها و إشارات     و يعطى العبد ما الكل حيرا     Indeed, my entire life is just Symbols and Pointers     And indeed, I was granted that which baffled everyone! #BAYE_NIASS_FOREVER #MADINA_2018


“The spirit of the Prophet and my spirit are like this--pointing with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger. His spirit supports the Messengers and the Prophets and my spirit supports the poles, the sages, the saints, from pre-existence to eternity (mina al-azal ila abad),” -Sayyiduna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani R.A- #MawlidSidiTijani اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيّدنَا مُحَمَّدٍ ۞ الفَاتِحِ لِمَا أُغلِقَ ۞ والخَاتِمِ لِمَا سَبَق ۞ َ نَاصِرِ الحَقِّ بِالْحَقِّ ۞ وَالهَادِي إِلَى صِرَاطِكَ المُستَقِيمِ ۞ وَعَلَى آلِهِ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَمِقدَارِهِ العَظِيمِ ۞ صَلاَةً تَمْلَأُ الأَزَلَ وَالأَبدَ ۞ زَمَاناً وَمَكَاناً ۞ مَضْرُوبَةً فِي كُلِّ عَدَدٍ ۞ بِعَدَدِ مَا فِي عِلْمِك ۞ يَا وَاحِدُ ۞ يَا أَحَد ُ ۞


THE FACT AND PROOF THAT THE KNOWLEDGE OF SHEIKH IBRAHIM NIASSE HAS NO END. One should know that, where his knowledge about Sheikh end that is not where Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse end, if in your field he is something, he is another thing greater than what you think in another field, we can not attain maximum point in the knowledge of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse. Therefore if I talk about Sheikh that Sheikh is this or that, what I said he is, that is who He is in my sight, He is far more than that in another place, same things goes to you and everyone's perspective about Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse, whatever we say about Sheikh, Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse is beyond that. COMMENT: If the Truth and The Reality is that the knowledge of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse has no end, if he is something in my sight, he is more than that in another place, then it is incumbent for us not to relent in searching for " who is Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse ". If we know that where our knowledge about Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse

S. A. W

Imam al-Busiri was paralysed so he wrote a poem (Qasidah al-Burdah) in praise of Rasūlullāh ﷺ with hope that Allāh would cure him. One night, he fell asleep and saw the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ who told him to recite what he had written. Rasūlullāh ﷺ was so pleased that he placed his cloak over Imam al-Busiri, and when he awoke, he was completely cured. Mawlaya Sali Wa Salim Da'iman... is now one of the most reknowned poems in the world. May Allāh cure our ill. HAPPY MAULID IN ADVANCE 💖💖💖


O people, is there any open-minded person for him to see a guidance. ❤And establish the enormity of sheikh Ahmed tijani in front of all and sundry. For surely, 💬He had utter an expression of which, there is no admonishment after it. 📚 And thus,do not tilt towards the expression of a captivator,rather weigh each expression of mine that has come to you with the sharia.for surely,the sharia is the best Of measurements,and do not act upon anything except the thing which is unambiguous.⏰⏰⏰ And if not,then throw it on the wall in any direction it was to the prophetic tradition,He always calls the seekers to. He calls them towards reflections,remembrance of Allah and the Qur'an and he calls them towards establishing the truth and acting upon it,which is a command of lordship in secrets and open.. O my beloveds in tariqa,i advice you in holdfasting on the path and protect it against the devils not listen to the utterance of a fancy inclinator in it,for surely  fancy incli


🌿🌿🌿THE MIRACLE OF BAYE NIASS .🌿🌿🌿 Mawlana Asheikh Ibrahim Inyass always listen to American and Germany Radio station and also watching TV. He also reads every latest news paper, He will reply them whenever they speak bad of Islam. Sometimes, He will reply by his speech and sometimes with his pen to protect Islam. One day when mawlana Asheikh Sani Kafinga went to kaolack, from Kano He met Sheikh Ibrahim Inyass in His room watching TV, listening to radio and reading newspaper and Quran was also in his front reciting it! Sheikh Sani Kafinga was wondering in his mind, that which of these things is he paying attention to   Mawlana Asheikh Ibrahim Inyass called Him; Kafinga so you are wondering about which one am paying attention to. I am paying attention to all and am also correcting wherever their errors. Alhamdoulillahee...


Karaamat of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani(RT) by Barhama Niass !!!                 1.Following very well the Sunna of SAW,with this been called (the mountain of Ahlu Sunna) & Sees SAW always. 2.The Possessor of whole creation,forgiving to the people of HIS generation. 3.SAW said to him 'give out,feed people with the gifts under you just like how Allah told Prophet Sulaiman in Suratul swaad verse 39,'This is our(Allah) gift,give out or don't give out all in your wish & no judgement will be hold against you'. 4.Anyone who sees Shaykh Ahmad Tijani each Friday is safe from punishment,not even only Friday but each any of the days. 5.Speech of Shaykh Ahmed Tijani is like a direct translation of SAW. 6.On the judgement day will be given a platform to sit on,everybody will be under him(I mean all creation)whiles Allah will say to HIS creations 'Indeed this is your Imam,the one that all great men received their gift from him'. 7.If 600 Awliya'llah should be wei


*WHY WON'T WE BE A GOOD AMBASSADOR OF A RELIGION THAT SAYS* Don't lie (Q22:30) Don't spy (Q49:12) Don't insult (Q49:11) Don't waste (Q17:26) Feed the poor (Q22:36) Don't backbite (Q49:12) Keep your oaths (Q5:89) Don't take bribes (Q27:36) Honour your treaties (Q9:4) Restrain your anger (Q3:134) Don't spread gossip (Q24:15) Think good of others (Q24:12) Be good to guests (Q51:24-27) Don't be rude to parents (Q17:23) Turn away from ill speech (Q23:3) Don't make fun of others (Q49:11) Walk in a humble manner (Q25:63) Respond to evil with good (Q41:34) Don't say what you don't do (Q62:2) Keep your trusts & promises (Q23:8) Don't insult others' false gods (Q6:108) Don't deceive people in trade (Q6:152) Don't take items without right (Q3:162) Don't ask unnecessary questions (Q5:101) Don't be miserly nor extravagant (Q25:67) Don't call others with bad names (Q49:11) Don't claim yours


QUALITIES OF A GOOD SUFI (1) A Sufi must staunchly adhere to the commandments of Allah and traditions .of the Prophet. (2) A Sufi must necessarily maintain cordial relations with the public indiscriminately. (3) A Sufi must seek the company of other great Sufis as far as possible. (4) A Sufi must welcome all who come to him with love and due regard. (5) If a Sufi undertakes a journey. it should be strictly for the sake of Allah; i.e. for Hajj, Jihad, seeking of knowledge, etc. (6) A Sufi must eat very little like a patient and his food should have been procured by honest means; he must try to avoid invitations from the worldly people. (7) A Sufi must never go to the courts of kings and must refuse to accept any kind of rewards or gratifications for his maintenance. (8) A Sufi must walk in all humility without the slightest tinge of pride or vanity. (9) A Sufi must sleep as little as possible in order to save time for his devotional duties. (10) A Sufi must observe silence bec


All praise goes to the Almighty Allah as the blessed month is near, the month that the finest creature and leader to all human being was born. He is Mohammed the son of Amina and Abdallah, the precious gift that Allah ever gave to us. Mohammed was the last prophet but also their leader and through him they all got their miracles. He is the source of our happiness and also the well that we all drink from. He is our pleasure and also reason for knowing who Allah was. I am commemorating him always as am praying to emulate my grand master maulana hajj Ibrahim niass al-kaolahy al-tijani. I prays to be among the fortune once who will be able to celebrate the birth of this noble prophet at the head quarter of tijaniya (MADINA BAYE). COMMENT S. A. W


CONDITIONS OF TAKING TARIKHA TIJANIYYA: 1. The first and most important of the conditions is that, One must commit him / her self to it until death. 2. The second conditions is that, one must not combine this Tarikha with another. 3. The third of the conditions is that, a person who has taken the Tarikha should not pay homage (seek spiritual guidance) to any other Wali (Saint) that is not a Tijaniyya for the purpose of any spiritual gain. 4. The fourth of the conditions is that, one must at all times establish the five daily prayers in congregation , except for excusable reasons. 5. The fifth and the final conditions is that, a disciple must respect his parents to the utmost possible.... SALAAM TO EVERYONE.

Prophet Muhammad S. A. W

They drove Rasūlullāh ﷺ out of Makkah yet he said, 'I forgive you.' They tortured his Companions yet he said, 'I forgive you!' They martyred his relatives yet he said, 'I forgive you!' They tried to assassinate him yet he said, 'I forgive you!' They laughed at the death of his children yet he said, 'I forgive you!' They prevented him from entering Makkah yet he said, 'I forgive you!' They did everything to him yet his only response was, 'I forgive you!'