Karaamat of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani(RT) by Barhama Niass !!!

1.Following very well the Sunna of SAW,with this been called (the mountain of Ahlu Sunna) & Sees SAW always.

2.The Possessor of whole creation,forgiving to the people of HIS generation.

3.SAW said to him 'give out,feed people with the gifts under you just like how Allah told Prophet Sulaiman in Suratul swaad verse 39,'This is our(Allah) gift,give out or don't give out all in your wish & no judgement will be hold against you'.

4.Anyone who sees Shaykh Ahmad Tijani each Friday is safe from punishment,not even only Friday but each any of the days.

5.Speech of Shaykh Ahmed Tijani is like a direct translation of SAW.

6.On the judgement day will be given a platform to sit on,everybody will be under him(I mean all creation)whiles Allah will say to HIS creations 'Indeed this is your Imam,the one that all great men received their gift from him'.

7.If 600 Awliya'llah should be weighed comparing to a weight of a hair of a student of Shaykh Ahmed Tijani,that weight of Awliya'llah will be light in weight comparing to that hair.

8.Pray Salaat in each Zawiya of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani & no doubt your prayer is accepted.

9.Among HIS Karaamat is folding lands.Example,If HE is in Morocco,HE will reach Mecca just in few moment.Also,HE constructs names as HE wishes in making Sirri.

10.The Holy Khabba as we know been circled rather herself circled Shaykh Ahmad Tijani,not once or twice but times.

11.Shaykh controls everything as in Heaven & Earth I swear by the Creator of my life.

12.Allah Has protected him from any evil & bad people & Shaykh never got afraid of any King or being.

13.Many times help the needy,cured the sick,bring down rainfall in drought season.When HE touches any little things,it becomes plenty.HIS hand is Medicine for people.

14.Allah Has blessed the people Shaykh led.

Infact,we can't list all of the Karaamat of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani



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