Public Enlightment on the Supremacy of Knowledge


One of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's major work on education is titled Tabsiratul-Anām fī anna-l-‘ilm Huwal-Imām (Public Enlightment on the Supremacy of Knowledge).

Chapter one addresses the credits of teachers and students. The chapter also intensified on the issue of specialization of Knowledge and references were made to six Prophets and the Saint whom were endowed with different types of knowledge.

(1) Prophet Adam was endowed with knowledge of all nature: “And He (Allah) taught Adam all the names (of all nature)”- (Q2:31)

(2) Khidr (a saint) was endowed with knowledge of Tasawwuf: “So they found one of our
servants(khidr) on whom we had taught knowledge from our own presence”- (Q18:65)

(3) Prophet Yusuf(Joseph) was endowed with interpretation of dreams: “Oh my Lord! You have indeed bestowed on me some power, and taught me something of the interpretation of dreams and events”- (Q12:101)

(4) Prophet Dawood(David) was endowed with knowledge of metal works: “It was He (Allah) who taught him (Dawood) the making of coats of mail for your benefit”- Q21:80)

(5) Prophet Sulayman(Solomon) was endowed with the explanation of the speech of birds: “Oh you people! We have been taught the speech of birds”- (Q27:16)

(6) Prophet Isa (Jesus) was taught knowledge of sacred books: (“And God will teach him(Isa) the book and wisdom, (also) the Torah (Law) and the Injeel(Gospel)”- Q3:48)

(7) Prophet Muhammad was an encyclopedic scholar: (“For God has sent down to you the book and wisdom and taught you what you know not (before). And great is the grace of God unto you”- Q4:113.... “To instruct them in scripture and wisdom”- (Q62:2)


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