Great Lesson From Sh. TIJANI RTA

Allah SWT created Human and two things were combined together to make up a human.
Firstly: The Body (Al Jasad).
Secondly: The Ruuh (Spirit).
The body of human can never be in permanent state of health, there is no how, the body will be sick for sometime and it will be healthy for sometime.
If the body is sick, this body has to be taken to hospital for treatment.
Similarly, The ruuh (spirit) of human use to contact virus just has his body use to contact virus. The ruuh can never be in a permanent healthy state, it must surely contact virus for a while and be healthy for a while just has the same thing happens to the body of human.
So, if the ruuh contact virus, which hospital are we going to take the ruuh to for treatment?
Just has we normally do check up for our body, some people once in two months, some people once in a month, some other people once in two weeks, all these are to check our health status. Just as we do check up for our bodies, we also do check up for our ruuh too. Did we cater for our ruuh to check the state of its health?
If the ruuh is sick, there is no doctor that can treat it except Sheikh Ahmad Tijani.
Tareeqat Tijaniyah is the hospital were they treat we Mureedi. We mureedi we are the patient, our ruuh is sick, our Shuyuukh are the doctors. Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse is the one that is in charge of taking each of the mureedi to their doctors. Anyone who is in position of doctorate must be capable of treating all the patients under him, if he stand the position of doctorate and he cannot treat the patients under him, Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse will ask him, and he must know that he has a query to answer in front of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse for not being able to perform his duty.
Any doctor that doesn't has all the complete gadgets to treat his patients should open up for his patients that "I can't treat you, look for another doctor that can treat you " instead of detaining the patient and the sickness will be more intensed.
A patient who is sick, he went to the hospital for treatment, his doctor told him: " You will be detained here for seven days due to the level of your sickness and for proper treatment ".
The patient was admitted in the hospital, he started receiving treatment, after two days, he called the doctor, he told him: " I am healthy ". The doctor told him: " you have just spent two days, it still remain five days, you are not healthy yet ", the patient still maintain that he is healthy and that the doctor should discharge him.
The doctor then discharged him. After two days of discharge, the patient call the attention of people, he told them: " You know I was just coming from the hospital, I went to the hospital to learn how treat patient. Now I am now perfect in treating people.
The next thing this patient will do is to establish a hospital, he then brought many drugs and injections, then people started coming to his hospital for treatment ".
This scenario is the likes of a lot of Shuyuukh in this Path.
A patient that wanted to treat a patient, what did you expect from that?
Anyone that needs treatment in this path should search for a perfect doctor and Sheikh Ahmad Tijani is the only doctor, we other people are all patients that needs treatment.


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