Nobiy Muhammad S. A. W


هنيئا لإبراهيم لاح هلاله # هلال بدى لناظرين جماله

Hanî-an li-ibrâhima lâha hilâluhu # Hilâlun badà li-nazirîna jamâluhu

Congratulations to Ibrahim (Niass) whenever his (favorite) month (Rabi' al-Awwal) appears. A month that its splendour looks beautiful to the observers.

هلال ربيع فيه جاء محمد # فتم لنا البشرى وعم نواله

Hilâlu rabî-in fihi jâ-a muhammadun # Fatamma lanâl bushrà wa amma nawâluhu

Muhammad was born in the month of Rabi' (al-Awwal), we are highly delighted and his boon permeates to all and sundry.

لأفضل ارض حل افضل مرسل # بافضل يوم فاستبان كماله

li-afdali ardin halla afdalu mursalin # bi-afdali yawmin, fastabâna kamâluhu

The most favourable Prophet was born in the most favourable place and on the most favoured day. Then, his perfection is elucidated.

قداختير من كل العوالم اصله # كما اخترا واختيرت لذاك فعاله

qad ikhtîra min kullil awâlim asluhu # kamâ khtîra, wa khtîrat lizâka fi-âluhu

His origin was chosen from all clan of the worlds. Just like he was distinguished and his deeds became a role model.

محمد مختار وءادم طينة # محمد يوم البعث راق خصاله

muhammadun mukh-târun wa âdamu tînatun #
muhammadun, yawmal ba-athi, râqa khisâluhu

Muhammad has been chosen (as a prophet) when Adam a was a mud. Muhammad's sublime morality shall be dignified on the day of resurrection.


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