Maolud Nabiy S. A. W

Taha(SAW) never had a wet dream ever, nor did he yawn at any point of time
Creatures never fled from him, and no fly landed on his beautiful body ever
Behind him was like in front of him, a clever person will never see his shadow in the sun
His shoulders would rise above everyone else when he sat, his birth describe him as circumcised
Please memorize these peculiar qualities, and you will be safe from the evil of the fire, thieves and from trials

And to be safe from the trails of Dunya and Akhira one should say three times in the morning and evening
“I have prepared every fearsome tribulations I met in dunya and akhira with Lailaha illa allaah muhammadu rasoolullah, for every grief and sorrow Masha ALLAH, for every blessing alhamdulilah, and for every time of ease and time of difficulty Shukru lillah (thankfulness to allah), and for every wondresness thing Subahanallah, and for every sin Asthaufirullah, for every affliction inna lillaahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon(from him we come and to him we return), for every time of constriction Hasbiyallah (allah is sufficient for me), for every decree tavakkalthu ala allaah (I have relied on allah), for every obedience and disobedience la haula vala quwwatha illa billahil aliyil adheem (there is no change or power except for allah the most high and most immense), and for every movement and stillness bismillahi rahmani raheem (in the name of allaah the compassionate the merciful)”

- Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse al-Kaulakhi al-Tijani RA

(translated from Arabic by Sidi Adnan)


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