One should know that, where his knowledge about Sheikh end that is not where Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse end, if in your field he is something, he is another thing greater than what you think in another field, we can not attain maximum point in the knowledge of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse. Therefore if I talk about Sheikh that Sheikh is this or that, what I said he is, that is who He is in my sight, He is far more than that in another place, same things goes to you and everyone's perspective about Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse, whatever we say about Sheikh, Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse is beyond that.


If the Truth and The Reality is that the knowledge of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse has no end, if he is something in my sight, he is more than that in another place, then it is incumbent for us not to relent in searching for " who is Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse ".

If we know that where our knowledge about Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse end, that is not the end of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse, therefore, we must not stop nor relent, nor feel comfortable with our knowledge about Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse. You can only feel comfortable if you can be bold enough to say that where your knowledge end, that is where Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse end and I seek refuge from Allah from this thought.

And for every Mureed under the umbrella " Faedat Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse " in as much as we are connected to The Divine Present  Of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse irrespective of our spiritual master, Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse gave us assignment that we have to search for and accomplish if thoroughly we want Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse and we need Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse.

What is that assignment?

Sheikh said:

وما برهام أين برهام ** حتى فنوا في حبه وهاموا.

Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse said :

" WHO IS BARHAAMA AND WHERE IS BARHAAMA? ** Until you all vanished in His Love and you become overwhelmed " .

With that Question that Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse asked, we must not stop in searching for Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse nor relent in knowing Sheikh Ibrahim nor feel contempted with our knowledge of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse.

That Question that Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse asked shows that we cannot vanish in the love of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse nor overwhelmed in Him except we continue our research on Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse until we discover the answer to that question because there is answer to it, if it has no answer, Sheikh will not ask, Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse never say what is impossible.

This is because we are searching for what is not lost, what is that thing? Allah.

Whatever thing you are doing, take it or leave it, it is Allah that you are searching for, and to attain the Divine Present of Allah for anybody remain a nightmare, a dream that can never come through no matter the knowledge the person's has except he know who is Barhaaaama?

This is because Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse is the door between Allah and the entire humanity. " And it is not righeouesness for you to enterThe House from its behind, indeed The righteousness is one who is conscious of Allah and enter the house through Its Door " [Baqara: 189].

Whosoever desire for Allah in this era, the Door of Allah is Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse.

If we say how about the Prophet PBUH ? Yes! But Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse said :

ومن رام دركي في اشتياق نبينا ** فقد رام أمرا مستحالا محرما.

He said :

"  Whosoever aim to compete with me in the affection of our noble Prophet Muhammad PBUH ** Such as aim for something that remain impossible and forbidden ".

كمن رام مسك البدر يوما بأسبع ** ومن رام عود الأمس يوما وأيوما.

" Such a person is like one who aim to hold the Crescent Moon in the Sky with his fingers ** Or one who aim to return yesterday back to a new day ".


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