O people, is there any open-minded person for him to see a guidance. ❤And establish the enormity of sheikh Ahmed tijani in front of all and sundry. For surely, 💬He had utter an expression of which, there is no admonishment after it. 📚

And thus,do not tilt towards the expression of a captivator,rather weigh each expression of mine that has come to you with the sharia.for surely,the sharia is the best Of measurements,and do not act upon anything except the thing which is unambiguous.⏰⏰⏰

And if not,then throw it on the wall in any direction it was to the prophetic tradition,He always calls the seekers to.

He calls them towards reflections,remembrance of Allah and the Qur'an and he calls them towards establishing the truth and acting upon it,which is a command of lordship in secrets and open..

O my beloveds in tariqa,i advice you in holdfasting on the path and protect it against the devils not listen to the utterance of a fancy inclinator in it,for surely  fancy inclination leads towards every destruction.Verily,the prophetic traditions has supported it and by Allah it did not outcast the path of the Qur'an.




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