Day Of Resurrection {Perspiration} Part 2


He whose scale will be heavy will live in happiness and he whose scale will be light will go to Hell. Nobody will be safe there except one who takes account of himself in this world. He weighs his actions in the scale of Shariat in this world as Hazrat Omar said: Take account of your actions before your actions are taken account of, weigh your actions before your actions are weighed upon. The meaning of taking account is to repent with sincere heart before death for all the sins committed to look to the short comings in the obligatory duties, to return the properties to the true owners taken unjustly or by oppression, to make compensation for the wrongs done to others by tongue and hands, to redress for wrong notions against anybody. If he dies without doing these duties, his enemies will surround him. Some one will say : You have oppressed me. Some one will say: You have rebuked me. Some one will say : You have put me to jest and back-bited me. Some one will say: You have engaged me as a labourer but you have not paid my wages. Someone will say : You have sold me a thing but you have played fraud with me, you have concealed from me the defects in the sold thing. Someone will say: You were above want, while I was in want and you have not given me food. Someone will say : You have flattered the oppressor or did not remove his oppession from me although you had such power. God says : Don't think that God is unmindful of what the oppressors do. He puts them off for a day when their eyes will be sharp. They will flee with raised heads. They will look to him. Their hearts will be vacant—14:42.

The Prophet ﷺ once said : Do you know who are really the poor ? We said : O Prophet ﷺ of God, he among us is poor who has got no money or property. He said : He is poor among my followers who will bring with him his prayer, fast and Zakat but on account of his cheating others, backbiting others, misappropriating the properties of others and cheating others, his virtues will be given to them. If his virtues are found short but still their claims remain fully unsatisfied, their vices will fall upon him and he will be thrown into Hell.

Imam Ghazzali RA
Ihya Ulummuddin

رضي الله عنه وأرضاه ونفعنا ببركاته


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