Sadaqa {Alms}

Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim


Our Murshid Sultanim Shaykh Muhammad Adil Q.S Advises us following: 
We are in the month of Safar now. It is called Safar ul-Khayr. It gives good to those who remember it as good and ask for good. More troubles come to those who oppose Allah ﷻ . 

Today is the last Wednesday of the month of Safar. Thanks be to Allah ﷻ

Inshallah we pass it in safety. Because there are duties and when you perform those duties Allah willing it turns good and not bad. It does not turn into troubles Allah willing.
People forget the duties: 

Three Kalima-e Shahadat, 

300 Astaghfirullah, 

Seven Alamtara kayfa, meaning Surah Al Fil  (Surah Number 105)

(Tasadduq) means giving sadaqa. 

*Sadaqa is very important*

*Make sure you deposit it in a box before leaving home since its place is separate*. *Let it become a habit among Muslims, Mumins (Believers), and people. It becomes protection next to them, and sustenance would come out for the poor and needy*. *It is an attribute loved by Allah ﷻ .*


*Give Sadaqa as many times during a day*. 


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