Day Of Resurrection {Perspiration}

Day of Resurrection.

All the creations before and after will be gathered together in one place—the creations of seven heavens and seven earths, angels, jinn, men, devils, birds and beasts. The sun will shed lustre on them and the lustre will be increased manifold. It will shine very close to them. There will be no shade on the earth except the shade of the Merciful destined for the pious. Everybody will therefore give out perspiration. It will rise up to them according to their actions in the world and upto waists of some, upto ears of some, and some will be drowned therein. 
The Prophet said : Remember the day when the whole mankind will stand up before the Lord, even some of them will be drowned upto their ears. 

The Prophet ﷺ also said : On the Resurrection Day there will be perspiration of men, so much so that it will rise upto the height of seventy cubits and upto their ears. The Prophet ﷺ also said : They will stand up looking towards the sky for 40 years and owing to excessive heat perspiration will almost drown them. The Prophet ﷺ said : On the Resurrection Day, the sun will come very near the earth and men will perspire. It will rise upto the waists of some, to the feet of some, to the knees
of some, to the face of some and it will drown some.” This will occur before accounts of actions are taken. Know, O men, that those who did not perspire in the world in the way of God, pilgrimage, fast, prayer Jehad, advice to do good and prohibition from evils, will perspire on the Resurrection Day.

Imam Ghazzali RA
Ihya Ulummuddin
 رضي الله عنه وأرضاه ونفعنا ببركاته


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