History Of Sheikh Ahmad Tijani Part 4

Biography of legendary mystic Icon Maulana Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah sanctify his precious secrets) amin

Via: Anatomy of Sufism TV 📺  

One day, a man came to him (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and said : « O my Master! I offer you this part of my money, out of love for you and as a ransom.” Seyyidina accepted his offer and held it in his hands. Then, the man whispered in his ear: “O my Master, please do this and that for me!” Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “Take back your money!” and he refused.

It was his habit to give alms both day and night. Every week, he distributed wheat to the needy in the area, of which the weak, the orphans, the widows, all the destitute according to their situation. In the same way, in the early morning of the festival of Eid, he used to give away bread to the children on his doorstep. He did the same for all those among his companions who were unable to provide for themselves and help them financially. He spent fortunes and considerable donations far more than any rich merchant and this was only a glimpse of the many signs and prodigies of ALLAH and Muhammadiyan blessing among those inherited from the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). People who were afflicted by the disease of doubt spread the rumour that he was using alchemy and when they saw the huge pile of coal needed to provide for the household, they claimed that he was transforming it into gold.

So Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may Allah be pleased with him) was constantly caring to all. Whether they were townsfolk or Bedouins, he considered them like his own children, or like his brothers or like friends. Even the animals received their part of his generosity, for every evening he sent one of his servants out to feed the neighbourhood cats.

When the treasurer of the household passed away, his children came to return a considerable sum of gold that Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) had entrusted to their father. He refused to take it back and offered all of it to them saying: “Your father, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, stayed with us for many years. Keep this money for you, it is of no importance.”

He considered everything he possessed as a deposit from ALLAH for which he was responsible and he used to say: “Money is the exclusive property of ALLAH! I am but his treasurer, compelled to manage and administrate His Wealth.

He encouraged his disciples to be generous saying to them: “Among the best voluntary deeds a servant can accomplish is daily alms, however little.” He was extremely discrete and most of the time he did not want the beneficiaries to know that he was the author of the donation. Often, he would assign someone to convey it, instructed him to say nothing on this matter. This attitude intended to preserve the needy and to uplift his aspiration. In this way, he would give thanks to his Lord and would not be attached to the person through whom ALLAH had sent this gift.

Each and every one of his companions had at one moment or another, benefited from his donations, gifts, favours and blessings. In every act, every word, every impetus of the heart, Seyyidina Ahmed Tidjani (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) carefully purified their intention. Once in an assembly, Seyyidina said: “He who loves me for ALLAH The Most High and his messenger may love me thus, as for he who loves me for his own interest, then, by ALLAH, and there is no other God but Him, I have nothing more than an ordinary man, and nothing else.” Then Sidi Muhammad El Ghali (may Allah be pleased with him) seized the opportunity to kiss his foot while he was distracted saying: “Welcome to this ordinary man thanks to whom his companions have surpassed the greatest Poles.” Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) replied: “That is true but what is this to ALLAH?”

For himself and his family, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) judged according to the Sunnah, he made it his reference for each and every act and state. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to say: “All good comes from following the Sunnah, and all evil comes from disobeying it.”

In his house, no act disrespectful of the Sunnah was committed. He turned his family away from all the customs and innovations that were fashionable at that time. Similarly, when he noticed behaviour that was not in accordance with the Law, he informed the person concerned or scolded him if he had done it deliberately, saying: “Is this what we are taught by the Sunnah?”

One day, someone came to greet him and once in Seyyidina’s (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) presence, threw himself on the floor to kiss the ground in an act of veneration. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said to him: “You have just committed and act of disbelief.” You must say: “I affirm that there is no God other than ALLAH and that Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAH.”

In all his exhortations and everything that he wrote, he reminded the necessity to follow the Sunna, as per the following advice: “I advise you to fear ALLAH both interiorly and exteriorly and to follow the Sunnah whether it is near or far or exceptional, in words and deeds and to take the Sunnah for authority in each situation.”

For those who follow him, at all times, he left the following golden rule: “Weigh the words that are attributed to me on the scales of the Sharia. Accept what is in conformity and reject what is not.”

He received immeasurable strength, accomplishing prophetic actions, equal to the abundance of his lights and the intensity of his state which is the very origin of the Knowledge. “As for knowledge, the method of accessing it is to follow the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) in all his words, acts, states, characteristics, observing the Divine Rights in public and in private, accomplishing everything sincerely for ALLAH, with no alteration from things of this world or the Hereafter. All this should be accomplished solely in order to exalt ALLAH and magnify Him, with approval [“on the mat of approval”] and submission, relying on Him, counting on Him (may he be glorified) for everything, turning to Him for everything.”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) once spoke about the case of a group of well-known innovators who dishonestly claimed to be Sufis, saying: “ALLAH has prescribed for them deceit in this world and Fire in the next.”

Through his spiritual state and his words, he made sure to eliminate pretention and curiosity and constantly oriented people in this way.

He accomplished all the obligatory and voluntary deeds, including the best of them, without any distraction or negligence. He was careful to perform the prayers at the appropriate time and in congregation, attentive to the perfection of the bow and the prostration. He accomplished them sublimely, in the most perfect manner peacefully, with serenity and properness towards ALLAH (The Glorified, The Exalted), like the prayer of all respectful knowers. One day, a scholar came to meet him and when he arrived, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was performing the prayers with his companions. He was so fascinated/captivated by their manners and attitude that he said: “By ALLAH, certainly, this is the prayer of the pious ancestors (Salaf Salih) that is no longer to be found.”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) advised : « Be extremely careful not to fall into perdition into which careless people who do not pay attention to the perfect performance of their prayer fall.”

He was especially vigilant regarding sincerity while performing deeds and more particularly the prayer. One day, in a desert village, during the Friday prayer, because of Seyyidina’s presence in the ranks, the presiding Imam extended the recitation considerably. When the Imam had completed the prayer, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asked him: “Is this the way you usually pray?” He replied: “No.” So Seyyidina said to him: “You should begin your prayer again.” And so he did.

To illustrate the evil side of receiving a salary in return for leading the prayer, or any other pious deed such as the Azan, bearing witness, teaching knowledge, and issuing legal pronouncement (Fatwa), Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “There was an Imam who used to receive a salary for the prayer and gave it to the poor as alms. When he died, the questioning angels came to him but he remained petrified and voiceless, not knowing what he should answer to them and it seemed to be inevitable that he was on the point of undergoing terrible hardships. At this critical moment, a good looking person appeared to him and dictated the answers. Then, when the two angels left, he asked: “By ALLAH, who are you?” The person answered: “I am your pious deeds.” So the Imam said: “Where were you?” and the person replied: “It is because you received a salary for your role as Imam.” The Imam answered: “I swear by ALLAH that I did not use it for myself one single time in my whole life, I gave it as alms.” So the person explained to him: “Know that if you had used it, you would never have seen me.””

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) once said: “Even if I was offered everything I wanted, I would not have accomplished a single prayer in return for a salary.”

He who knew Seyyidina’s state did not dare to stand next to him in the prayer line for fear of disturbing him. He often incited people to celebrate the prayer on time in congregation and also encouraged them to remain awake at night to perform adoration, especially its last part (in the pre-dawn). He insisted on this matter and motivated them to put into practice the following advice: “This is the moment when mercy descends and it is in this period that the opportunities for salvation arise. He who ALLAH awakens during this period of time is certainly invited to benefit from His Mercy. ”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) was kind-hearted and showed clemency to all Muslims, and smiled at everyone he met. Each and every person felt himself to be closest to him because of his consideration, his kind words and thoughtful attitude to such an extent that the unfortunate person meeting him forgot his sadness which disappeared in his presence.

He encouraged sincere love and brotherhood, warning against verbal pretention, saying: “A hunter caught three partridges. He tied two up and sacrificed the third and began to pluck it. Now a disease caused his eyes to weep. One of the partridges looked at him and said to the other: “This poor man’s heart has softened for us, maybe he will release us.” The other one answered: “How do you know that?” And it replied: “I have just seen him crying” So the other one said: “Look at what he is doing with his hands and do not look at his eyes.””

He gave of himself without counting and put himself at his family’s service, accomplishing every task however difficult. He also did not like to be treated differently and considered himself equal to others. He used to say: “Maybe ALLAH will grant us His Mercy along with all Muslims.”

Once, somebody praised him, saying: “You see the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in an awakened state and you said this and that…” Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) answered: “Indeed, that is true. However our aspiration to be Muslim never ceases, and by ALLAH, we have not yet truly tasted Islam.”

A famous poet from Tlemcen also wrote him a letter containing a laudatory poem. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) hastened to answer the following: “Know, O Sidi, I am far from the praise with which you have honoured me. By ALLAH, and there is no other divinity than Him, we have none of that. ”

I even consider myself drowning in the ocean of disobedience and ignorance. But, ALLAH the Highest has taken hold of me with His Grace and His Mercy without which they would be no bigger loss than ours. As for you, may ALLAH reward you for your kind thought towards us.

He recognised the right of people over him, and on this matter, he (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) said: “We have never been able to entirely offer their rights to those that we know, and this we would never be able to do.”

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also said: « The true believer perceives the rights of creation over him and observes that he has no right over others. »

His behaviour towards those whose intention was to harm him, was to forgive them and to hold no grudge. He found excuses for them all the time watching them with the eye of Truth. He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to say: “When I see people I consider that they are subject to the unfolding of ALLAH’s decrees, so I forgive them.” Indeed, these reproaches are the consequences of a lack of contemplation of the order of the instruction coming from ALLAH which is undoubtedly accomplished. ”

He had so much compassion towards them that he sent a letter to the well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) through the intermediary of the noble Muhammad ibn Arabi Damraoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him) in which he expressed the following request: “In the name of ALLAH The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful and may be the prayer of ALLAH be upon our Master Muhammad and his family. O my Master, I beseech your total protection for ever and eternally from your anger for all those who hate me, or for all those with whom I have been angry and for all those who are irritated with me, or with whom I could be irritated because, my dear Master, I’m very afflicted by your anger towards these people because of me.” The well beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) answered him through the intermediary of Sidi Muhammad ibn Arabi Damraoui (may ALLAH be pleased with him): “Know that I will only be angry with he who insults you, you and Tidjani, wishing for your downfall. On the Day of Judgement, I will show anger for he who does this or who demonstrates hostility towards you. As for he who loves you, he is among the people of Salvation. He will be the first for whom I will intercede on the Day of Judgment and he will not be judged […]”


When one of his companions complained about an injustice caused by another, he appeased this disagreement and encouraged indulgence and forgiveness. He also encouraged him to concentrate on himself and whatever concerned him. Indeed he disapproved of the obstinate self-protection of certain people; similarly he disliked those who spent their time slandering. He also reproved the ingrained brutality and insensitivity of some people. One day, somebody misappropriated a thousand riyals belonging to him (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) and as a result, this person was humiliated by the companions of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) because of this. So Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) took a leaf of paper and wrote: “Praise be to ALLAH, Ahmed ibn Muhammed Tidjani, certifies himself that he has taken so and so as a beloved which no sin can break, and no deed can separate whatever he may have done.” Then he gave this to the person who was the object of the mockery who became the envy of all present.

Undoubtedly, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) always sought to be discrete and proned to discretion and reserve. He gave himself up to oblivion and detachment, paying no attention to the creation whether it rushed towards him or, on the contrary, it showed him total indifference. He avoided meeting distinguished men and holders of authority and warned against seeking their company, saying: “Indeed, this is one of the test of religion.” He disliked intensely being known except by he who was sincere and whose visit was solely for the Sake of ALLAH. In this case, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) wished him well, encouraged and advised him. Among the examples of his renunciation of honours was his categorical refusal to meet certain governors who had requested his presence.

Among the evident characteristics of his inner propriety with regards to His Lord and Master The Most High, manifested in all his words and deeds, was that he left all decisions to ALLAH. And he demonstrated this to such an extent that when he invoked ALLAH for himself or on behalf of another about a case for which the outcome was unknown or unsure, his invocation consisted in requesting the general good from ALLAH.

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) often said: « I invoke solely with my tongue, as for my heart, it is submitted to ALLAH.”

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) also used to say: « I desire nothing! I ask for nothing! Do as you wish! And decree what you want!

He (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) asserted: « Indeed, with my tongue, I’m only satisfying the request of the creatures and nothing more, so as not to break their hearts.”

Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) taught his companions that what ALLAH chooses for his servant was certainly preferable to that which the servant would choose for himself. »

Concerning the invocations stipulated by the Revelation and the exhortation, disapproval, proximity and connection to ALLAH that they contain, or those that encompass the qualities of servitude such as the manifestation of great need, adulation, supplication, submission to ALLAH The Glorified, and those that concern the request for repentance, pardon, mercy, acceptance of all that comes from ALLAH The Highest, Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) incessantly recited them verbally and wholeheartedly saying: “Indeed, the choice is none other than ALLAH’s, because its accomplishment is ordained by the Revelation.” He often repeated this invocation: “May ALLAH accept you through His Grace and Approval.”

As a matter of propriety, he never engaged discussion about the orientations that are relative to the Decrees of ALLAH, The Glorifed and The Most High, nor opposed whatever occurred, or ever hoped that something occurring would not. He considered this behaviour to be an opposition to ALLAH, and a lack of politeness towards Him. Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret) used to recount a well-known story about a king in times gone by as follows: 
« A king had a young servant who was very dear to him and so his officers questioned him. Consequently, he wanted to demonstrate his superiority. He took out an immensely precious stone and ordered them to break it. All of them advised him to keep it. Then, he ordered the young servant to break the stone which he did there and then with no hesitation. Following this act, the king strongly scolded him, but the servant’s only reaction was to implore the king, saying: “O my lord! O my master!” At that moment, the Sultan said to the others: “As for you, first of all, I gave you this order and you sought to reason with me but if you had broken it and then I had blamed you, you would undoubtedly have contested me saying: “But it is you who ordered us to do it.” Whereas this servant obeyed first and implored me afterwards. That is why I love him.” And such was the inner propriety of Seyyidina (may ALLAH sanctify his precious secret). 

رضي الله عنه وأرضاه ونفعنا ببركاته


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