The Benefits Of Saints {Waliyullah} To The World

Bismillah Rahman Rohim

The Power of the Saint surrounds and 
Encompasses the Whole World 

In the land or the sea and in every place.

Allah Almighty is ordering His servants to follow in the foot steps of His Awliya (Saints) and to be with them.Therefore we should be like neighbours to be blessed people with our physical body.Then we may be closer through our hearts.

If a pipe is not connected to the tap there will be no running water flowing from the tap. Spring water may reach to you through pipes.
You must have pipes so that the tap can give water.Likewise all the Prophets and Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW) are carrying heavenly streams and mercy to our hearts.Therefore we must always keep connection to their Holy and Pure Hearts,in order to receive wisdom from the heavens.You may reach up to them and drink from their grand mercy streams.

Without Saints (Awliya) it is not possible to reach to this.You simply cannot reach to it. Allah Almighty made the Saints (Awliya) to be His mercy springs.The one who reaches to them is going to be alive and to be a real living person.Those who reach the Saints will live a life of eternal bliss.How can we reach to the Almighty Allah? This is a very difficult task.But to reach His representatives His Saints and to be with them in their presence is to be in the Divine Presence with Allah Almighty.

If a person for some reason or the other does not seek to be in the presence of the Saints.It will be difficult to receive the blessings.There are common blessings which are bestowed on all of mankind both believer and non believer alike if not they would cease to exist.But if you want to get much closer and receive another kind of blessing.The person who is heedless looses his expensive life and wastes his precious time.As for a Murid (disciple) outwardly he or she may seem like an ordinary person but in reality he or she is in spiritual contact with the Murshid (guide).They have a spiritual connection which connects the Murid to the Murshid in which the Murshid guides his Murids.This guidance is coming from the Murshid who is taking it from the presence of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).The Murshid is always with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) whose reality is with Allah Almighty (without there being any direction or place for this).

The servant who is asking to reach to the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty and of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and of his Saint,must always keep his observation,
(Muraqaba-means attentive observation) towards his or her Murshid.You should always observe your Murshid as he is always watching over you.He never leaves you.To observe means to know that your Murshid is always with you,and that he is always watching you.The Murid is never alone.

Say,"Ya Allah.Don't leave me alone with my ego." When the Murid is not with his Murshid he will be with his ego,and with shaitan,and the ego has many ways to deceive you.When the Murid keeps observation on his Murshid, the Murshid will be with him or her in every situation,he will support them.The observation brings the support (Madad).If you cut off your observation with your Murshid,then the support of the Murshid cuts off the fault lies with you.

He supports the one who is walking on the path of Allah Almighty.A real authorised Murshid has such a Maqam (station) to make you reach to Allah Almighty.He is also taking guidance through gnosis from his Murshid who is taking it from the presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who receives directly from Allah Almighty.If you cut off this connection you will be powerless,like tape recorder whose batteries have no more power. Instead if you are connected by cables you will have continuous power supply which will never finish.

For how long do you want to be with your ego?
To observe the Murshid is one of the most important practices in Tariqah,so that you can always be with the Murshid and so that you may be able to reach to the presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Then you will be able to observe the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and you may see that the eye of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is looking at you,and you will come to understand the meaning of the Quranic Verse 
which says that the Holy Prophet (SAW) is amongst you.He is not absent.If there is no observation (Muraqaba) you will never see or feel anything.

Muraqba makes the servant to hear things from the Saint (Murshid) and he will see and watch events from beyond the limits of ones sight.Then you may see the reality of the Saint whose power is surrounding the whole world.
There are no borders,No.Not if the responsibility has been given to him by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).His power is always present,in every place,on the land and in the oceans.Wherever you go he is present.

When the Murid develops a good connection with the Saint they will hear sounds in which they will show and direct you the way by what he instructs.After this when the Murid reaches a higher level the Murid will begin to see the Saint who will direct him with words.This is the highest level (from the muraqba of the Murid) until they climb up to the observation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) whom they will first hear until they reach a higher level in which they will see the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Of this state the great Saints used to say;
"If we lost sight of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) for the blink of an eye we would not consider ourselves as Muslims."
This is because if one is with his or her ego they will not be considered a believer.Until one is with Allah Almighty the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the other Prophets (AS) they will be cut off,and there will be nothing else to serve accept the ego.
They have made themselves to be a servant of the ego until they will say of them;
"Did you see the one who made his own ego to be his God."(Al Quran).This person will no longer separate between what is allowed and forbidden.

Therefore the observation of the Murshid by the Murid is the most important duty for his or her improvement on the way and if not his or her energy will finish and will not be able to progress any further.When he or she insists that they are no longer in need of the of the Murshid they will no longer move forward.

These are some sensitive points which shaitan  and his disciples ( the salafis) who have interfered with, to cheat the Sufis.They say that it is Shirk (associating partners with Allah Almighty) when one observes the Murshid.It cannot be Shirk or Kufur.It is only the ignorant salafis and  the other deviant sects in Islam who have no real understanding of Islam who make such slanders and accusations.They have no idea of what is involved if one wants to reach the level of Kamil Insan. Muraqaba is a legitimate practice for those who are on the path to perfection and it is to be done always until one reaches the Divine Presence.Then they will be of those who have reached,their destination and there will be nothing left in them of the worries of the world or of the hereafter.They will be in permanency.

Tariqah is about having adab ( good manners)
and for guiding people to the highest level of adab.Becoming a true Murid means being an accepted one in the Presence of Allah Almighty and His beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Oh Allah give Your most Beloved servant more Majesty and Honour.

Whoever does not make dhikr has no lights and those who have no lights are blind.
So they are stilled veiled.

Sheik Muhammad Nazım Adil Al Haqqani Al Kibrisi

may Allah Almighty sanctify his secret.

رضي الله عنه وأرضاه ونفعنا ببركاته


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