Observe Khushu On Our Salat

A Muslim should keenly prepare for the prayer in advance. He should be constantly mindful of the prayer times, purify his heart from worldly pursuits, perform ablution properly, and walk to the prayer place calmly. 

The Prophet SAW said: 

“When the call for prayer is made, do not come to [prayer] running. You should walk to it, not run to it.”

2nd thing: 

The person praying should keenly observe Ṭuma’nῑnah (tranquility in each position of the prayer). 

The Prophet SAW used to perform the prayer with tranquility, completing the bowing and prostration properly until every limb returned to its relaxed form, and understanding what he recited. (Ṭuma’nῑnah is defined as a praying person’s limbs remaining motionless between two postures of the prayer. It also means that the praying person should ponder over the Quran being recited in the prayer.) 

3rd thing: 

Remembering death while standing for prayer and reciting the opening Takbῑr. 

The Prophet SAW said: 

“Remember death in your prayer, because when a man remembers death in his prayer, he is more likely to perfect his prayer. Perform the (prayer of a person who does not believe he will pray another prayer.”

Remembering death during the prayer and thinking that it might be one’s last prayer would urge one to observe Khushū‘. Verily, this is a crystalclear instruction. We should recall death while performing the prayer and consider each prayer as our last, as this would urge us to observe Khushū‘ as the highlighted by the Ḥadῑth. 

Moreover, it has been narrated on the authority of Abū Ayyūb RA that a man said to the Prophet SAW 

“O Messenger of Allāh! Teach me something and make it concise.” 

The Prophet SAW said: “When you stand for your prayer, then pray as if it were your last.”

4th thing: 

Contemplating over the portion of the Quran being recited in the prayer, whether one is performing the prayer individually or in congregation. Pondering over the Quran being recited in the prayer helps the worshipper observe Khushū‘.In addition, the person praying should recite different formulae of Dhikr and chapters of the Quran in prayer, so as to foster his attentiveness and concentration. The worshipper may recite different versions of the reported Dhikr while bowing such as: “Subḥāna Rabbī Al-‘Aẓῑm (which means: Glory be to Allāh, my Lord, the Greatest)”, “Subḥāna Rabbī Al-‘Aẓῑm wa Bi-Ḥamdih (which means: Glory be to Allāh, my Lord, the Greatest, worthy of praise)”, “Subbūḥ Quddūs, Rabb ul-Malā’ikati war Rūḥ (which means: Allāh is the Most Exalted, Most Holy, Lord of Angels and Angel Jibrῑl [Gabriel])”, or “Allāhumma Laka Raka‘atu wa Bika Āmantu wa Laka Aslamtu, Khasha‘ Laka Sam‘ī wa Baṣarī wa Mukkhī wa ‘Aẓmī wa ‘Aṣabī (which means: O Allāh, to You I have prostrated myself. I surrender to You, I believe in You; to You I submit. My hearing, my sight, my brain, my bones and my essence are humbled to You). All these are reported Dhikrs to be recited while bowing in the prayer. Another means to attain Khushū‘ is reminding ourselves of the great and abundant rewards yielded by Khushū‘ itself. If we to only do this much, we would certainly attain Khushū‘, Allāh willing. 

The Prophet SAW said about such abundant rewards: “Verily, when a servant stands to pray, his sins are placed on top of his head and shoulders. Every time he bows or prostrates, they fall away from him.”

As you stand in the prayer, remember that your sins are placed on top of your head and shoulders. Every time you bow or prostrate and prolong the bowing or prostration, your sins fall away. Bearing that in mind helps the praying person to observe Khushū‘, and those with Khushū‘ are praised by Allāh.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيّدنَا مُحَمَّدٍ ۞ الفَاتِحِ لِمَا أُغلِقَ ۞ والخَاتِمِ لِمَا سَبَق ۞ َ نَاصِرِ الحَقِّ بِالْحَقِّ ۞ وَالهَادِي إِلَى صِرَاطِكَ المُستَقِيمِ ۞ وَعَلَى آلِهِ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَمِقدَارِهِ العَظِيمِ ۞

اللهم أمين ياارب العالم


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