Our Way Of Living As Ummah

Bismillahir Rahman ir Raheem

The System Is Settled 

Allah ﷻ says to our Holy Prophet ﷺ:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ 
(Qur’ān 13:11). ‘Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.’ Allah ﷻ says that unless people change themselves, their situation will not change. People of the present time are living as they like. Religion and ‘iman are not considered at all. They do whatever their egos want. Then they want to be better and they want to change things with the hope of improving the situation. Unless you change, the situation will not change. Because the teachings of this time do not teach goodness to people, they teach badness. How can you find goodness while teaching badness?
The same system is settled in the whole world. Wherever you go, they call it global, even if you are at one edge of the world and others are at another edge, people are cast in the same mold. “If we change the people above, the situation will change”. Let’s say you changed the people above, where do you come from? If the people below don’t change, it has no benefit. Because the mold is the same, they will be the same. When people below are like them, it won’t change at all. The same system will go on and the same situation will last. Do the people below come from another place? It is the same everywhere in the world. If they come from the moon or the sun, it could probably change. As long as they are the same, don’t even think about it.
We are all people who obey the ego now. People are only interested in their benefit. They go after fame, money and all the desires of the ego, not for the benefit of people. There are many people who promise to serve. But I don’t know, maybe it’s the new generation; they think that something will be done and it will change. Nothing will change. The system is settled. The system of the end of times is settled. Neither democracy can change it, nor can coup change it, nor any other system. Mahdi ‘alayhi s-salam is the only one who can change this system. He is the one who will bring the system of Allah ﷻ. Otherwise, it is the system of our ego, the system of our desires, the system of our shamelessness and the system of our badness. Don’t look for something else anywhere in the world.
Some people hope to benefit from new things. They will be handled too, don’t worry. There have been many such situations in the world. After the Ottomans, we are living in the era of Jababirah now. We are in the era mentioned by our Holy Prophet ﷺ. The era of Jababirah means the era of tyranny. Who shows tyranny? All of us; people above and below, all over the world. No one should put the blame on anyone for doing this and that. Our situation is like this. Unless we change, others will not change.
May Allah ﷻ change our situation. May He ﷻ send the Sahib to change it. We don’t have any other hope. There isn’t anyone else. Don’t hope that elections, coup or other things can change it. Make Dua that Allah ﷻ sends the Sahib. Our situation will only change then. Even if there is the power of a hundred presidents, the situation won’t change at all. May Allah ﷻ change our situation. Don’t get upset about this situation. It is the time for it. There is a time for everything. When there is more distress, Allah ﷻ will open it insha’Allah. There is no salvation but with Mahdi ‘alayhi s-salam. May Allah ﷻ send him as soon as possible. And may we reach him in peace and health insha’Allah. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani


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